chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Cayley's P.O.V.

As I walked towards Platform 9 and 3/4, I felt a presence walking directly behind me.

"'Ello Scorp." I murmured, grinning.

"Alright Cay?" He asked, falling into step with me. His owl, Leevius, hooted at me from his perch on top of the trolley.

"Not bad, mate. What did you do this summer? Or should I say, who?" He waggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed.

"The usual. Drove my parents mad, met the new neighbors." He winked, and we both burst out laughing, knowing he'd done more that 'get to know' the neighbors.

Scorpius Malfoy was a bit of a player. Well no, he 100% is a player. With his white-blonde hair, blue-grey eyes and a body Jasmine would (and has, many times) describe as 'smoking hot', it wasn't that hard to believe. Don't get me wrong, he was hot but it was like calling one of my brothers hot. It was weird.

"Cayley? Are you listening at all?" Scorp asked me. I guess I was daydreaming.

"No, can't say I am. Why?" I grinned at him and he rolled his eyes. Gesturing to the wall, he continued.

"I was saying that maybe you might want to go through to the platform before it becomes a solid wall again." He smirked. I nodded and took off running.

I remembered the first time I went through the wall, Mum and Dad holding my hand, Sebastian and Marcus in front of us. That was before the sorting and before I was practically disowned.

I came out the other side with Scorp right behind me. I immediately saw a crowd of gingers and scoffed.

"Look who decided to come back. I heard they were moving to America." I complained.

"Who?" He asked, not looking up from his cellphone. "Do you think the cell reception will be better this year?"

"No Scorp, it's a million year old castle in the highlands, you'll be lucky if you don't get it taken off you as soon as we arrive. You know spellphones are the only communication device allowed, no muggle technology." He groaned.

"Only if they pry it from my cold, dead hands." I laughed at his dramatic outburst, watching as he pocketed the small phone. "Alright, who didn't move to America?"

"Potty and the Weasels, could've sworn Jasmine told us that Ruth told her that Rose said they were moving"

"Well they just asked for a year of hell, don't you think Cay?" He winked at me, I grinned back. There were so many ideas for top notch pranks already forming in my head.

I looked up, glancing around the platform for my brothers, and saw Albus Potter staring at me rather intensely. I raised an eyebrow and a scowl appeared on my face.

"Look, there's Sebastian and Marc." Scorp pointed out. We grabbed our trolleys and started our way over.

As we passed the Potters and the Weasleys, I couldn't help but call out "Alright Potter? Thought you weren't coming back."

"Had us excited." Scorp added with a smirk.

Albus took a few steps towards us, pointing at his chest, "Prefect this year. Any funny business, you'll be the ones leaving Hogwarts."

"Is that a threat, Potty?" I asked politely, a sickeningly sweet smile on my face.

"Only if you make it one, Jones." He replied. Scorp's smirk grew bigger.

"Maybe we will. Sounds like fun, huh Cay?" Scorp said. I looked over to him with a frown on my face.

"I dunno, we might get in trouble Scorpius. Maybe we should just focus on our studies this year." Potters face was priceless, the perfect mixture of shock and disbelief. I almost fell to the ground laughing. Scorpius was having a hard time controlling himself.

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