Chapter 4

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Cayley's POV

"Oh my god, Cayley! Thank Merlin, you're alright!" Scorpius, Jasmine, and Greg all filed into my little segment of the hospital wing. I sat up in my bed, covering my wince with a smile. The pain was 95% gone now, but Madam Pomfrey said I could have recurring headaches for a few days.

"Hi guys," I grinned, faltering when I saw the look on Scorpius' face. "Stop it, Malfoy. This was my fault, I jumped in front of you."

"Good point, why exactly did you do that?" Greg asked from his seat on the window ledge. I made eye contact with Jasmine, grimacing while she smirked.

"I wasn't thinking, I just didn't want Scorp to start a fight because of me." That wasn't entirely a lie, I didn't want either of them to get in trouble but I also didn't want anything coming out about last night. I guess jumping in front of a punch stalls that conversation for now.

I looked over at Scorpius, who blew out a heavy sigh. He shook his head and gripped my hand in his. I leaned forward and brushed the stray pieces of hair out of his eyes. "You need a haircut." I told him.

"Is that the biggest issue we have right now?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.

"She's not wrong though, is she?" Jasmine grinned. "You're turning into your father." We all laughed as Scorpius scowled, running a hand through his hair. "Not that there's anything wrong with that; if he's looking for a trophy wife, tell him to give me a call in two years." Greg and Scorpius both groaned as she waggled her eyebrows, laughing at their expressions.

"Jas, you're so gross. He's way too old for you." Greg told her.

"Not to mention, you're not exactly his type." Scorpius reminded her. Scorpius' dad, Draco Malfoy, had recently come out as gay. He'd been single since Scorp's mum, Astoria, died when he was a kid, so it wasn't a huge shock for Scorpius (or, to be honest, most of the wizarding world).

For the next half hour or so, they sat with me. Eventually, Madam Pomfrey came back to shoo everyone out, citing my need for rest and their need to get to class. She smiled at me and pottered by my bedside as they filed out, promising to come back later to escort me to dinner.

"How's your head feeling, dearie?" She asked as she pulled a vial out of the cabinet beside my bed.

"I feel a lot better, Madam Pomfrey, thank you for everything." I smiled, wincing slightly as the dull ache in my head slowly made itself known again. She tutted, handing me the vial of pepper-up potion. I gulped it down quickly. Handing the vial back as she reached forward, carefully smearing more of the Weasley Twins Bruise Removal Paste onto my cheekbone.

"That should be the last of it, my dear." She told me, rubbing her hands on the apron wrapped around her waist. "As long as the pain stays minimal, you will be good to go by dinner. I suggest you get as much rest as possible." She squeezed my hand before exiting around the curtains.

I sighed loudly and closed my eyes, bringing my hands to my temples. How could I be so stupid? All this for a boy I barely even liked? One night of camaraderie doesn't make us friends again, especially not after seven years of being the opposite.

"You look like you're thinking about me, and I'm not sure I mean it in a good way." I opened my eyes, laughing slightly as I took in Albus' uncertain expression.

"I'm not sure it is either." I responded. He stepped forward and took a seat in the chair beside my bed. "I'm fine," I cut him off as soon as his mouth opened, "I don't blame you or Scorp for this, jumping in front of you was a bit of a bonehead move — regardless of your bonehead comment." He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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