The steaming hot cup of hot chocolate's vapors warmed mina's face. she wasn't really one for coffee, and she wanted to steer clear of any addiction, even if caffeine wasn't the most dangerous substance out there.
her arms were enveloped by the sleeves of jihyo's parka, mina thought as her mind went back to the day of the brunette girl's sweet deed. mina absentmindedly smiled at the fond memory. as she lifted the cup hesitantly to her lips, the bell above the cafe door rang, and jihyo walked into the small shop. mina set the mug down and gave a small wave.
jihyo's eyes met mina's and both smiled. jihyo went up to the counter and after a couple minutes, sat down in front of mina, a cup of coffee and a small pastry in hand.
"how has your morning been?" jihyo asked as she lifted up the small pastry to her mouth. mina tried to keep her eyes of the other girl's lips, and failed. distracted, mina answered that her morning had been short and good so far.
mina went through the pleasantries, asking jihyo about her morning, talking about the weather (it was still cold), and asking about workload and such. but mina still wondered about one thing, even as her small questions were being answered.
"why are you making such an effort to befriend me?"
jihyo's eyebrows creased, and mina was afraid that she'd hurt the feelings of the other girl. mina was happy and honestly, grateful to have someone at the academy even spare her a second glance, save for the ever saintly tacked. after a quiet ten seconds of jihyo drinking from her coffee mug and mina staring at her own hands, jihyo looked up.
"because, like i said, we've been at the same academy, though for different reasons, and we're always up there late together. and i, frankly, have no friends at the academy except for chaewon. also because, mina, you're interesting, and i like interesting things, i hate to be bored. and because i think you're persistent and hard-working, and you seem like a good friend."
mina almost dropped her coffee mug. it was a small, if to be written, paragraph of words yet it meant too much to the japanese girl. when was the last time someone had said such nice things to her? sadly, mina couldn't remember. her grip around the mug tightened, and her knuckles widened. mina shakily smiled at jihyo as she thanked her.
suddenly, mina remembered what she was wearing. she hastily wrestled herself out of jihyo's parka, and was interrupted by jihyo's outstretched hand on her own arm. "keep the parka." jihyo grinned. "it looks better on you than it does on me." mina knew this was untrue, the parka nearly swallowed her whole. a small voice in mina's head told her to give the jacket back to jihyo, it was her parka to begin with, and another voice told her to keep it, and thus show jihyo how grateful she was for her friendship.
mina hugged the jacket around herself again, and voiced out a small thank you. the two girls then began to talk about whatever came to their minds. mina couldn't figure out for the life of her why she was so nervous, this wasn't an interview, just a conversation with a friend. they talked about college and high school, or lack of thereof, they talked about the oiliness of headmistress nam's hair:
"once she was sleeping at her desk, and i was curious, you know? so i touched her hair." jihyo giggled, as if she was five years old.
mina was incredulous, and on the verge of choking with laughter. "you did no such thing." she deadpanned.
jihyo nodded. "it felt like someone lathered her hair with ten year's worth of coconut oil, it was revolting."
mina burst out laughing, clutching onto her croissant for fear of dropping it in her fit. she couldn't remember the last time she felt so light, as if she really didn't hold her world on her shoulders, or her feet.
finally, jihyo checked her phone and her eyes almost fell out. "i'm late." she muttered and she gathered up her things, and took one last sip of her coffee. mina said goodbye, and as jihyo ran out the door of the shop, mina lifted her own mug to her lips. the lukewarm sugary drink ran down her throat, and she absentmindedly smiled.
jihyo slammed the door to her apartment closed. what a day she had. after leaving the coffee shop and arriving at work late, she got an hour long lecture from headmistress nam on the priceless value of respecting others and specifically, their schedules. next, most of her programs were shut down or malfunctioning, so she felt practically useless moping around at her desk all day.
she flopped herself onto the couch in the apartment. turning to one side, she eyed the beer and soju bottles left on the coffee table. too tired and annoyed to care about the fact that hyunsik was practically a full blown alcoholic again, she grabbed one of the soju bottles and gulped down the remaining burning substance, propping herself up a bit against the couch.
"you gonna go buy me another one of that?" she heard hyunsik at the doorway to the living room.
jihyo snorted. "don't pretend you don't have another case hidden under your side of the bed." hyunsik walked towards the couch, muttering to himself. jihyo was particularly irritable today, so she boldly told him that if he has something to say, he should just say it.
"i said, 'i wonder what's up your ass this fine thursday morning'." hyunsik sneered, opening a beer can as he sat himself on the floor, propped up by the couch.
jihyo took another swig from the soju bottle and remained silent. hyungsik reached out his hand to her from where he was sitting, and jihyo put her hand in his. he squeezed it, before looking at her. as he asked why her hands were so cold, jihyo noticed his eyes held concern in them.
"didn't have my jacket today." she shrugged as she placed the soju bottle to her lips.
hyunsik's forehead creased. "why?" jihyo made a face, her eyes searching for the remote to their small television that was hidden in the corner of the room. jihyo casually told him that she had given it to a friend, without mentioning mina's name.
jihyo's boyfriend's face darkened, and as it did, jihyo suddenly remembered that hyungsik had given her that jacket on their last anniversary.
early the next morning, jihyo felt her eyes swell up with tears as she looked in the mirror to see a bruise on her cheek and a split lip looking back at her. as she entered the kitchen, she saw hyungsik grab his jacket and lock the door behind him as he exited their apartment.
all without sparing jihyo a single glance.
jihyo's mind emphasized this fact, but she pushed the voice away by bringing out her own phone and typing out a message.
Saturday, 8:13 AM
Jihyo Park
hey sorry i had 2 leave
in such a rush. it was fun
getting to talk 2 you! hope
we can do something like
this again soon, mina. :))
jihyo set her phone on the kithen table and made her way to the coffee machine. once the coffee machine had begun to churn out her energy in liquid form, jihyo sat at her small kitchen table, staring at the beer can in front of her. she started to sob uncontrollably as she threw the beer can at the floor.