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My name is Annabelle, and I am small. That's my one distinguishing and unique characteristic. It's not even that I'm short - 4' 11" on my best days -  I'm just tiny. Short legs, short torso, slim waist, small hands. I am seventeen years old, eleventh grade, and I could be mistaken for a middle schooler! 

Okay, let's get back on track.

Today's the first day back to school from Spring break. I'm thrilled (sarcasm) for many reasons.

1. School.

2. Luke is still on vacation in California.

No, Luke is not my boyfriend. He's my best friend - and my only one. Back in ninth grade, I was even more unbearably shy than I am currently. I remember he was assigned to be my partner in lab class and he became determined to be my friend despite his numerous other options. Luke was outgoing, confident, and completely laid-back whereas I was the exact opposite - shy, insecure, and hesitant. Even though three years have past, nothing has changed. Luke is the "fun guy" of the school and everyone loves him while most people don't even know my name. That has never bothered me. In fact, it's a good thing. Most people make me nervous.

That brings me back to present time. I needed to get dressed for school. I pulled open my closet, pulling out one of many dresses. I love dresses. They are super comfortable and you don't have to worry about matching! The dress I chose was a very light shade of pink with a black outline along the sweetheart neckline. I picked out white sandals to go with it, and left my light brown hair straight. My mom and Luke always tell me that I have beautiful big brown eyes, but I do put on a little bit of eyeliner for myself. It's amazing how much a small black line can boost your self-confidence. 

Once I'm finished getting dressed, I walk down the hall to the kitchen. I live in a small one-story house since it's just my mom, sister, and I. My father left while my mom was pregnant with my sister. I don't know or remember a lot about him, but I've never been angry with him for leaving. My mom never was, so I never was. She would tell me that they 'loved each other dearly, but he had other obligations.'

"Good morning, sweetie," my mom says as I walk in. She's sitting at the table drinking her tea while reading a book. No, she's not like a regular mom. She doesn't like coffee because she says it makes her too jumpy and she doesn't read the newspaper because there's too much violence. She always says, 'Why should I start today off with reading about the bad things that happened yesterday?'

I tell her good morning as well as I get our breakfast. I make two plates - each has two pieces of toast and orange slices. I get a water for myself and set everything down on the table as she smiles up at me.

"Ready for school?"

I give her a flat look and shake my head, "Luke won't be back until Wednesday."

"Aw, honey, that's right. I for-" She was interrupted by my little sister, Eliza, yelling for her. My mom got up with a sigh and headed to Eliza's room. She paused in the doorway for a second though, looking back at me. "Do you want me to drive you since he's still on vacation?"

"No, it's okay. If I leave now, I'll have time to walk. Give El a hug for me!" I smiled innocently at my mother while she rolled her eyes. Eliza was still yelling and the one thing she hated most was hugs. She is a strange kid, but I love her anyway.

"Have a good day," my mom said as she walked down the hall.

I got up, put my plate in the sink, grabbed my bag, then set out to school. Usually Luke drives me since my mom and I only have one car. He's annoying to be in the car with in the morning though since he constantly needs attention. He's more of a kid than Eliza, who's 10.

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