Apartment Shopping

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The Toreis were extremely kind to me. Until things were settled down, they allowed me to stay with them. They were more than happy to have me, and insisted I at least stay until Damien and I graduated high school.

As the only surviving relative, I inherited the house and accounts that had belonged to my parents. Even so, there were far too many memories buried within the walls of that house. I decided to sell it, not wanting to live in the place that had been my prison cell for so long. Damien supported me in my decision, and when the time came for us to go apartment shopping, he was by my side.

"Jacob," Damien called from the living area, "Come look at this!"

I entered from the kitchen, inspecting the room. We were looking mostly at one-bedroom apartments - much to my embarrassment - not too far from the college I had been accepted to. Damien didn't really plan on going to college, but instead had found work close by.

"Ah, yes," Angela, the woman who was showing us around Riverside Apartments, smiled and gestured to the balcony. Damien stood out on it, smiling broadly. "All of our second-story apartments have a balcony. This particular one looks out over the pool."

"Jacob! There's a pool!" Damien explained. I couldn't help but laugh, loving his enthusiasm. I came up beside him, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Now, if you'll follow me--" Angela continued.

Things had really turned out okay in the end. I had Damien, not to mention the Toreis had practically adopted me. Damien was always here for me. He was kind and gentle with me, and never asked too much. When I needed him, he never let me down.

"We'll take it," Damien grinned at Angela, and we set to work getting the paperwork set up.

I looked over at him, running my fingers gently through his hair. "I really love you, you know," I whispered to him.

He beamed at me, kissing my forehead.

It wasn't too long before we were picking out furniture for our new apartment. I found myself truly happy, especially since it seemed almost like we were a married couple or something.

Finally, the day arrived when we moved in together. We spent most of the day arranging furniture and unpacking, giggling about stupid shit. At the end of the night, we laid down in the bed we shared and listened to the quiet.

We were alone together in the bed we shared. I wasn't quite sure how to feel about this. We'd slept in the same bed together plenty of times, but that was always in a house occupied by the Toreis. Now, however, we were completely alone.

(A/N: Mature content warning! You have been warned!)

I turned over on my side, looking at Damien. He was watching me, a small smile creasing his lips.

"Jacob, we did it," he murmured, wrapping his arms around me, "We moved in together!"

I nodded, burying my face in his chest. I realized quite suddenly that I wanted to sleep with him. I trusted him. And even though I knew that the memories, the scars, would always be there, I also knew that Damien would take care of me. He always had up until now.

"Dame?" I whispered.

His eyes were shining with joy as he looked at me, "Yes?"

"Can I kiss you?" I murmured, blushing.

"Of course," he chuckled, "You don't have to ask."

I pressed my lips against his gently, entwining my fingers in his hair. He kissed me back, slowly at first, but he let me control the tempo. I rolled over on top of him, kissing him deeper. He seemed surprised, but went with it, pausing for just a moment to catch his breath. His eyes were dazed, filled with love. His breath caught in his throat as he tried to speak, "J-Jacob..."

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