Chapter 2

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Aidan: hey

James: hi

James: what are you doing?

Aidan: well I was sleeping until you texted me :°(

James: you texted me first!

Aidan: what? I would never do that! Why tf would I text an asshole like you first? Like just no.

James: what? I'm so confused?

Aidan: yw.

James: whatever. I'm still confused. Anyways, what do you look like?

Aidan: a person. You?

James: -__-

Aidan: you?

James: same.

Aidan: YOU LOOK LIKE ME? How about no.

James: I

James: look

James: like

James: a

James: fucking

James: person!

Aidan: a fucking person? Why not just a regular person?

Aidan: ...

Aidan: that didn't sound right...

James: xD

Aidan: well whatever.

James: so what are you doing?

Aidan: none of your business :)

James: oh?

Aidan: eating cereal. Really not that exciting. You?

James: thinking about what you look like :)

Aidan: and ugly tomato. Okay? Okay. Moving on?

James: I doubt it.


James: whatever.

Aidan: so...

James: what?

Aidan: ithinkiactuallymightkindalileyoubutidk

Aidan: *deleted message*

James: I read it -_-

Aidan: shit. Welp, what did it say?

James: I think I might like you but idk

Aidan: lmao no. You wish.

Aidan: also, going to what you said yesterday...

James: yes?


James: I did no such thing ;)

Aidan: actually you did, why. Tell me why.

James: idk. Bc I felt like it.

Aidan: wow, good job on details. Really specific answer. I'm really impressed.

Aidan: psych! Ya no bitch. I really don't care -_-

Aidan: just don't call me a princess again.

James: whatever.

Aidan: well I have a soccer game to go to. So I gtg. Bye.

James: please do try to die!

James: dont* shit. Sorry.

Aidan: sure.

Aidan: I still hate you just like I did before. I probably won't text you again, FYI. Because I really don't want to get to know you because I really don't care.

James: salty. Wow. 

Aidan: I'm the salty queen.

James: anything else I should know about you?

Aidan: hmph

Aidan: welp. I guess you'll just have to see. I really have to go now.

James: bye princess!

Aidan: fuck you.

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