➼ i. zephyrs

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sup my name is lilac


The wind tossed and played with your soft locks of (h/c) hair, recreating the presence of a real person, in which in truth was really all you ever longed for. It's been years since you ever had developed a true love of peace with somebody, let alone the intimate kind. To be honest, you were scared of ever getting into such a relationship, with your profile. Brushing the dust off your floral shirt, you took a moment to think about who you were.

A sin, a legendary one. That's all you ever lived up to. You never recalled being dubbed a best friend, a partner, anything besides your title. It was... lonely.

You, the legendary sin, were lonely.

You were the (your animal) sin of (your sin). And maybe that's all you'll ever be. Alone and a sin. The two may seem to contradict each other, because who wouldn't want to interact with a sin? Your morals say that any interaction is still interaction at all. But for a long time, you... you had none. It was just like that and you had to deal with it. Honestly, you wished you could say it gets better, but... you really kind of just got used to it.

However, it was still a dream though, your dream to finally be someone's friend, and have a special kind of importance. One day.

You sat atop a branch of a strong willow tree as the wind caressed your cheek, stroking it ever so softly. When was the last time you ever felt this way with someone? Another person, that's all you wanted to have, all you wanted to be with. If it was a wish to come true, only a greater power would know...

But someone stronger than the (y/n) (l/n)? Ha! You think not. Though there have been days you have doubted yourself, your physical and magical skills went unmatched. You are the greatest in your time, and it was a constant reminder. But if you could give up your power to be loved, you wouldn't hesitate to do so any day at all.

Running out of the village you resided in, you went deeper into the forest, the leaves being carried along soft zephyrs and landing perfectly on your head. The color quite complimented you, but it was shame that no one was here to witness this ethereal scene. How could you be any more perfect?


It ran within your head. This is who you were, but it wasn't the answer you were yearning for. It was in someone else's voice though, a voice so familiar and nostalgic, so different but you couldn't recall who. Just a flash of vivid blonde hair. That's all. Blonde hair that you craved to run your hands through, emerald eyes to stare and get lost into, peachy cheeks you could pinch within your nimble fingers...

Who was this person?

You tried to leave the thought alone but it bothered you all the time. This person must've meant a lot to you, maybe not enough for you to remember. No, you remember vivid details about their appearance, but had no clue to their name at all with no leads. For awhile, you had been calling this mystery person in your head "Shiro," for you had no other quickly thought up name. And oh how you would love to play with them in the snow, keep you company for the rest of your days...

If only you had never been forgotten. Your sudden unexplainable disappearance caused a huge ruckus at first, but later faded into a closed unsolved mystery. We're you content? Not at all. If you could manipulate time, the first thing you would've done is taken back everything, stand up for yourself for once, instead of having seven others do so.

...Seven. The number popped into your head? Seven what? Oh, that's right, your travel companions from long ago in which you had almost forgotten about. Nobody would've blamed you for your forgetfulness though. You don't remember too much, it just fades away from you so easily. Like your memory resets with a lingering scintilla of nostalgia.

Seven sins. Seven deadly sins. You only recalled how it was once dubbed eight deadly sins, but ever since you disappeared, the number shortened to seven. You thought it had a nicer ring to it though, there was something unexplainable that you felt about it. It was... comforting.

However, there was no fun in being forgotten. You wonder if anyone out there questions your existence till today. Otherwise, it was until you were found, but that would take awhile. You weren't trying to be found. If you were brought back, you would be questioned about your disappearance, your arrival, everything in which you really did not want to disclose. Because... it was them at fault.

To hurt someone's feelings is something you personally cannot shake. A simple sorry will not do for you, but maybe a little gift from you to them would work. Getting everyone a gift, though, was something you personally did not have the time for. It was like everyone had a guilt complex, and you were the one stuck within all of it. You didn't like it. Or maybe you hated it, but that was impossible... after all, despite being the sin of (y/s), you were the unconditional lover first. Peace was a priority for you back then.

You were distracted with your thoughts. You loved getting lost in another world and being vulnerable to your open surroundings. You didn't exactly know why, it was just you. Though sometimes, it wouldn't fare well for you, such as this current situation.

The cracking of the ground was heard, creating some unpleasant sounds that you were not too fond of. It was some sort of earthquake, a very big one. And you forgot exactly how to manage during something like this. All the times you have escaped were out of pure luck. But damn, if only it would help you now.

You ran. Because that was all you could do. No shelter was there to keep you in a safe place and your footing was quite sloppy, so sloppy that you just had to trip.

Your head banged against a sharp boulder as you fell, making you slip out of consciousness, like your soul was being pushed aside. After a second or two, your eyes closed and you knew, just for a little second, that it may have well been the end of you.


my past self was really weird with writing lmao i

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