Chapter 27

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Kira's POV

      " Kira! Kira, come in here!" My mom yelled from the porch. She had tears streaming down her face with blood covering her face neck and hands. I looked down at Keep one last time then got up to go help my mother.

    A startling growl came from behind me so I turned to see what it was. It was Keep. He was changing into his werewolf form. His bones cracked and shifted around making his body move in weird angles. The bone in his right forearm ripped right through his skin making Keep growl out in pain and fall onto his side. As much as I wanted to help him, I couldn't. The dying man in the house was more important.

   " Kira...Kira, don't go! " Keep yelled behind me. My feet just wouldn't let me turn towards my mate. In all actuality, I don't think I wanted to go with him. Sure, I loved him but he didn't love me back. Yes, he's my mate but am I his?

   " Mom, what's going on?" I stepped into the living room and looked around for everybody but they were all gone.

   " Kyrillos! While you were outside with Keep, the pack doctor came and brought him to the hospital. We need to go see him." Mom grabbed my hand and began dragging me towards the pack's hospital.

  " Mom! Slow down."

" We don't have time, Kira. We need to get there, now!" She pulled my arm even harder to the point where it began to hurt.

   I snatched my arm back and glared at her. " Kira, what is your problem, we have to go! He can die! do you not understand that?" She went to grab my arm, again, but I moved out of her reach.

  " I'm not going. You can go by yourself."

" Excuse me? What is going on with you, young lady? Your brother is in trouble and you're not going to see him? How could you be so cold?"

  I grabbed my hair in frustration and counted to ten. " Mom, you've been gone for almost a year! you come back without my father but with some guy that is supposedly my long lost brother by the bitch that controls my mate. I have a lot to worry about then going to see some stranger on his death bed. What can me seeing him have anything to do with his health? It's not like I can heal him with magic or something."

    I turned to walk away when my mother decided to grab my arm, again.  " What now, mom?"

" Come, I have something I need to tell you."

  " I hope it's important. I'm really tired. It's been a long day."  She nodded and led me to a tree stump.

" I'll just get right to the point. When you were younger, you did something that I never would have believed in a million years you would do." She took a breath and then looked up towards the stars and smiled. " When you were about six you found a dead baby bird. It was a baby bird that William, you and me watched grow up since it was in the egg. The nest was in a tree, right next to your bedroom window, when we lived in the states. Anyways, I guess it was about time for the little birds to learn how to fly. All of the other babies, except for this specific one, took off like they knew how to fly their whole little lives, but the littlest

baby, he fell out of the nest and...he broke his neck.

   He was the runt of the little flock. You cried when we went down to check on the little bird and me and William had to explain to you that sometimes, things like that happen. It's just how natures works. You didn't like that one bit. You picked up the baby bird, held him to your chest and began crying and begging any body to save the baby bird. Me and your- William didn't know what else to do except to let you mourn for the bird. After a minute of sitting their crying, something happened. A bright blue light glowed from your hands and before we knew it, you had stopped crying. You showed us your hands with the little bird chirping and flapping his wings. When we asked you what happened, you said that since no one else wanted to help the bird..... you helped him."

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