and the douche has arrived

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it turns out I was right I fell on seth like four times during the night.

I was the first to wake to find that I must've fallen on seth again cause I was just laying in his chest I stood up to find none other than Danny McBride in the kitchen eating all of our food.

" guys wake the fuck up Danny's alive and he's eating all the food"

everyone seemed startled and jumped up I ran over to the table.

" what the hell are you doing danny?"

" common I made you guys breakfast" he said innocently

" danny," James pleaded" that's all the food we have"

I was just plain getting mad so I lost my temper, and walked over to where Danny was sitting chewing on some bacon and grabbed his mouth forcing him to spit it out.

everybody backed up cause of the bacon that flew everywhere. Danny seemed angry at first then came to his senses.

" what the hell did you do that for"

" It's the ONLY FOOD WE HAVE" I Screamed

they all seemed shocked the only one who had every seen me like this was seth.

I seemed surprised with myself as well I as about to walk away when somebody's head went through the door......

this is the end! (seth rogen fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now