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I gotta show Owen that footage I thought to myself as I change into my uniform and bring my camera. I walked through the corridor on my way to Owens bungalow.


I have finally arrived at Owens bungalow. I knocked at his door three times, hard enough to make him get up. He opened the door while scratching his eyes sleepily.

"What is it Jason?" he asked while yawning and stretching his arm far back.

"I got a secret footage of the raptors last night" I said turning serious.

He looks at me and asked "Why were you taking a photo of the raptors at night?" while tilting his head.

"I was just walking around the dome with my camera to took some pictures when suddenly I found something"

"Ok come in" he said while motioning me to come inside his bungalow after he looked to the left and right to look if anyone was there. I came inside his bungalow and sat at the nearest chair to a table.

"So where's the footage?" he asked while taking a seat in front of me.

"Here" I said to him while handing the camera with a photo of a girl sitting on a tree.

"That's impossible, no visitors ever come there"

"Yes, your right. And that's why I thought that this was one oh of the raptors there."

"So you mean that one of the raptor can turn into a human?" he asked. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Can you come with me to the dome at night?" I asked him while taking the camera back and stand up.

"Of course" he said  while walking with me to the door.

"See you tonight" I said to him while running back to the dorms.

I was already awake a few hours ago and now I was walking around the dome.

"Feeding time!" I heard a shout at the middle of the dome so I walked over there. I looked up at the man who shouted and found the man clicking a 'thing'. I growled at him and started walking away.

"Alpha, where are you going? Owen is gonna feed us" said Charlie while looking at me.

"I will eat when they let the pig in here" I said continuing my steps into the woods.

"Maxwell get back here!" Owen shouted at me. I ignored him and get into the woods deeper.


I heared another animal screetch, a cry sound, when suddenly I realized that it was a pig. I run out of the woods and started chasing at the pig at my maximum. I was running about 60 km when I was chasing the pig. When I caught the pig, the pig was hold by a string connected to a stick. I bring the pig with me making the man who was holding the stick fall into the dome. I thrash around the pig and throw it to my pack.

"Alpha, your not gonna eat, again?" asked Echo.

"I will eat the human" I said while walking towards the man who was walking backwards towards the gate. I started to roar at him to make him scared of me when suddenly the gates open letting Owen inside. He runs in front of me and putting his hand out making me stop at my tracks. I growled at him. I looked back at the pack to find that the girls already finish the pig they were eating. I called out to them and they looked at me. I turned to the man who was being pulled inside the gates. Charlie licked her lips and started walking towards the man slowly while roaring at him that make him screamed in fear.

Looks like she didn't get a bite out of the pig. I chuckled a little at this scene. I nodded my head to Charlie meaning that she can eat him. She started running towards the man when she was hit in the head by the gate because the man was pulled outside the cage and the gate being closed a little so that she can't come through. I winced a little at the pain she was feeling. I hear the others behind me is laughing. I looked back to find Delta was laughing her ass out on the ground while Charlie was walking back, scowling. I looked at Owen to find that he was smiling at the others. I snapped my mouth loud enough to make him looked back at me. I started walking forward to him making him walking backwards.

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