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"So, what happened in there?" Echo asks, nudging her tail against mine as in a teasing manner. All of us are sitting in a circle like girls about to gossip about other people and some boys. But the fact that they're raptors and I'm half raptor, it's kind of weird that they start to act like humans. I miss those days before I turned into this.

"Nothing, Claire just touched me here and there to examine me."

"She touched you?" Charlie asks with a tad bit of anger on her voice. I chuckle nervously and just nod at her. She rolls her eyes and looks at me as if I have done something wrong. I look at her confusingly as to why she is like this.


"You're so easy going with humans," Blue says, shaking her head at me as if I'm a disappointment. I open my mouth slightly and put my tiny fingers on my chest like a shocked mom. I'm easy going with them because they were gentle! I mean, Owen is sweet and I don't like Claire, but I had to behave.

"What's with that look, Alpha?" Delta chuckles at me, and I tilt my head to the side. She gets what I meant, and she copied me with her eyes closed and her head to the side. The other raptors chuckle at this except for me. I did that, but what's so funny about it?

"You looked stupid," Blue finally explains what the others are thinking, and I did the face again, making them laugh. I slap my tail against Blue, and she hisses in pain while Echo just laughs harder. That girl has low humor taste.

The sound of a pig screeching takes my attention, and I look around the place, the others are doing the same thing. I look at them, and they look at each other. I move slowly into a crouching position, and I can feel myself smirking.

"I'm going to get that pig." I run right after and start to look around the dome for the pig.

"Oh no, you don't!" I heard Charlie screamed and the sound of other footsteps, running around this place. I haven't had this much adrenaline ever since I've turned into this. The feeling that I'm going after something and hunting them makes me feel happy.

"Pig loose!" One of the maintainers shouted, and I look up. He's in the middle of the dome, and he's putting down some kind of stick to catch the pig. Gotcha. I run as fast as I can to the middle of the dome. The pig starts to get into my vision, and when I was about to sink my teeth into it, Blue took it right under me. I chase right after her, and the sound of a man screaming makes me look back to find him lying on the ground as if he's hurt from the fall.

I halt and jog over to the man slowly. He's skidding back the best he could with his arms, scared of me. I open my mouth slightly, feeling a drool just dripped from my mouth, and I just walk over to him slowly. I don't know why, but I have the urge to eat him. It might be cannibalism, but I can't help myself. The smell of his fresh meat, the blood that's coursing through him, and that scared face of his.

"No, no! Hold your fire!"

I look up to find Owen, rushing over to the man that fell in and stands in front of me with his hand up to stop me. I growl at this and bark at him, wanting to eat the man only to be rejected by him. The ground crunches next to me, and I glance from side to side. The others are beside me, wanting to eat the man too.

"Put 12 amps in these animals, and they're never gonna trust me again." I snap my jaws at him, moving closer with one step, and the others do the same thing. He runs his hands around to keep each of us in place.

"Blue, stand down."

Are you serious? You expect us to let down this glorious opportunity to eat that man alive?

"Stand down," he says once again, but Blue barks at Owen and snaps her jaws at him, earning an angry face from him. "Hey! What did I just say?" Delta moves closer to Owen's side, but she got caught by him.

"Delta, I see you. Back up." Delta barks at him too. I growl again and move closer to Owen, a few inches away from him, and I roar. He backs up and looks at me disappointingly. I don't care about his opinions right now; all I want is to eat that man alive.

"What did I just say?! Back up, Max!" I lower my head slightly and move back one step, keeping an eye on the man behind bars.

"Okay. Good. Good. Charlie? Stay right there. Good." I move simultaneously with the others, closing in on him slowly. Maybe taking a tiny bite out of Owen won't be so bad, right?

"Close the gate."

"Are you crazy?" The dark skin-toned man ask Owen, looking at him frantically while holding onto the gate with one hand.

"Just trust me."

"Close the gate!" The man who fell in screams at the dark-toned man with a cracked voice. God, can I just eat him?! The dark-toned man looked at him for a minute before pressing the buttons on the wall beside the gate, making the gate start to close slowly. Owen stands in front of us for a few seconds before he rushes over to the gate, sliding under it. I was in time to chase him, but when I was about to bite his pants with my head to the side to fit through the gate, the gate pressed onto my mouth harder than I expected.

I scream in pain and start to move around, trying to pry my mouth off the gate. If this goes on, I might get my bone cracked because of this. Owen quickly stops the gate from closing and I lay down on my side, relieved that the pain has finally ended. Owen opens it a little bit more before locking it again in place so the gate won't touch my mouth again.

"Charge!" I hear Blue shouted, making me bark at her as loud as I can.

"No one is going to charge at Owen! Now, go eat the pig, or I'll bite those mouth of yours off of your face!" I can feel the atmosphere tensed up around us, but they oblige anyways. When they're far enough, I whine at Owen, wanting him to caress me just to ease the pain. He looks at me with pity, sitting down next to me and touch my mouth. It may not be much to ease the pain, but it's good enough for me.

"You're the new guy, right?" Owen asks the man, still caressing me.


"Ever wonder why there was a job opening?" I chuckle lightly at his question only to earn a flick to my snout by him. I snort at him and hiss before I enjoy being caressed by him again. The man looks at Owen with horror.

"Don't ever turn your back to the cage," Owen advises. Delta growls next to me, holding onto the bars with her nails before she leaves again to join the others. He looks at the door to this place and I follow his line of sight. He's watching a fat man walk away from the scene. I don't like him in an instant.

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