Chapter Nineteen

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Bittersweet Chapter Nineteen

Zac groaned as he woke up to the sun coming through his bedroom window. It had been a week now since he took Liz to her mom's and in that week a part of her memory had returned. The part where she had been dating Taylor. She still had no memories of being with him though and ever since he had found out about that he had been getting drunk. He had been going out and getting drunk then dealing with the hangover that followed.

He had never been more thankful that he had a nanny because Eleanor had been a godsend. She had been spending every night here taking care of the kids while he drank and then she also took care of the kids while he dealt with the hangover too.

Getting out of bed Zac ran a hand through his greasy hair as he walked down the stairs. He could smell food from the kitchen so he knew Eleanor was up with the kids already. Reaching the kitchen he smiled seeing Jude and Emerson both at the table eating what looked like scrambled eggs and bacon.

"You are awake," Eleanor smiled as she finished fixing a plate of food for herself. "I figured you'd still be sleeping."

Shrugging Zac walked into the kitchen, "Damn sun woke me up," he laughed knowing he shouldn't cuss around the kids. If Liz were here she would have just given him a stern glare. "Someone forgot to cut it off," he joked as he walked to the table and sat down beside his daughter. He didn't feel like eating right now, not when his stomach was doing somersaults.

Eleanor laughed some at Zac's words, "Next time I will make sure to tell the Gods to turn off the sun for you," she nodded as she too sat down at the table. This past week had been one hell of a week. She was used to watching Zac and Liz's kids but no every single day and to be honest it was wearing her out. A part of her half wished Zac would stop drinking but then again a part of her knew why he did. He was scared that Liz remembering Taylor would lead to Liz being with Taylor again, especially since she still did not remember her happy life with Zac.

"I will hold you to that," Zac grinned at Eleanor's words. "Any plans for today?" he asked feeling a tad bit guilty that she had been spending so much time here taking care of his kids.

Eleanor shook her head, "None that I know of. Bobby kind of called last night and broke up with me again," she sighed eating her food and watching the kids out of the corner of her eye to make sure they didn't make a mess with their eggs. "He said I was spending too much time here and that I wasn't committed to our relationship."

Zac frowned some at Eleanor's words, "Bobby is an asshole," he stated again knowing he shouldn't cuss around the kids. "I am going to go see Liz today at her mom's. She isn't expecting me but I know she likes surprise visits or well she used too anyway."

"She's a lucky woman getting a surprise visit from you," Eleanor smiled ignoring his comments on Bobby. She didn't mind that he hated Bobby but she just didn't feel like defending him which she knew she would. Bobby may have been an ass but a part of her would always love him.

"I hope she thinks so," Zac nodded as he stood from the table. "I can take the kids with me if you want a break?"

Eleanor shook her head, "The kids are fine here. I kind of like being around the rug rats," she laughed watching as Zac stood from the table. "Anyway you need all the alone time you can get with Liz."

Zac knew Eleanor was right about alone time with Liz so he didn't fight her on not wanting a break. Instead he left the kitchen to head upstairs and get ready for the day.


Liz chewed on her lip as she sat on her mother's porch with Taylor beside her. She had called him to come and see her mainly because he was one of the only people she remembered well besides her family. "I'm sorry about Sara," she frowned after having been filled in on some of her missing years including the fact that Isaac's girlfriend wound up eventually marrying him and then divorcing him. "I mean you loved her too if you two were dating. Now she's dead because my crazy sister hated me."

"I'm coping," Taylor smiled as he tried to reassure Liz. He knew she didn't remember anything past dating him so she had no clue right now just how close she had been to Sara as well. "How are you by the way?" he asked as he looked her over. "I mean any new memories?"

Shaking her head Liz made a face, "Nothing besides being with you," she frowned before running a hand through her hair. "I feel bad especially since I can't remember Zac or my supposedly happy life with him," she sighed as she looked away from Taylor. "I want too but it's just not happening."

Taylor nodded as he reached over and let his hand run down her back, "Has Zac came to see you since you remembered being with me? Maybe you just need to see Zac," he stated as he smiled trying to think of ways to reassure her more. He wanted Liz to remember Zac mainly because he wanted Zac to be happy and he knew this, this separation from the woman he loved had to be killing him inside.

"No," Liz frowned wishing that he did come to see her some. "He calls but when he does he sounds drunk," she admitted as she chewed on her lip. "I just...a part of me feels like maybe I don't remember him because I wasn't as happy with him. Maybe I was happier with you."

"Is that really what you think?" Zac asked as he walked to the porch having shown up in the middle of Taylor and Liz's conversation. Of course he wasn't surprised neither noticed him, they had been too wrapped up in each other. "You really think you were happier with him?"

Hearing his brother's voice Taylor looked down knowing Zac had picked an awful time to show up. He had picked an awful time to see Liz. "Zac," he started as he chewed on his lip, looking back up at his brother. "Liz didn't mean what she said."

Looking at Zac, Liz ran a hand through her hair frowning. She hadn't meant for Zac to hear her say that. "I did mean what I said," she spoke contradicting Taylor's words. "I do think I was happier with him. I mean if I was happier with you I would have remembered you by now wouldn't I?" she asked before frowning again.

Nodding at his wife's words Zac tried to ignore the hurt. "You know I came to surprise you because I hadn't seen you since you remembered Taylor. I guess I got the surprise with your words," he laughed bitterly before reaching around his neck and taking his necklace with his wedding band off. "You think you were so much happier with him then be his wife," he spat as he threw the necklace at her before turning to walk back to his truck.

Getting in he started it up and drove off not even looking behind him. That stranger on the porch didn't deserve him looking at her as he drove away. That stranger on the porch had replaced the woman he loved with the woman she had used to be before he loved her. The woman who only thought of Taylor. Well that woman could have Taylor because as far as he was concerned he was done.

Liz frowned more as she held Zac's necklace in her hands as he drove off but she didn't stop him. How could she stop someone she didn't remember loving? "Maybe it was best he left," she spoke as she stood from the porch, putting a hand on her belly as she did so. She was starting to show now and it was at least one reminder to her that a part of her had loved Zac even if she only remembered Taylor.

Standing up as well Taylor went after Liz. "You have to go after him Liz," he spoke as he grabbed her arm to stop her from going anywhere else. "He loves you and you loved him and damn it I can't let him suffer anymore," he muttered as he shook his head. "Zac he's always gonna have issues over us and you only remembering me probably made those worse and I know today did and damn it Liz when he is hurt he does dumb shit."

"Not my fault he does dumb shit," Liz defended as she pulled her arm away from Taylor. "I only care about what you do," she smiled being honest now. "I love you. I remember loving you and that's all I wanna remember," she said before leaning in to kiss Taylor on the lips. Maybe kissing him would make him see that what Zac had walked in wasn't so bad. Hell maybe it had even been fate.

As their lips touched though and her eyes closed she was the one who got the shock. Every memory after being with Taylor seeming to return to her as if on cue which made her push Taylor away, her eyes widening as she realized she did indeed love Zac. "Fuck," she muttered looking down at the necklace in her hands.

"I need to find my husband," Liz frowned feeling tears in her eyes. She knew she had to find Zac before he did something stupid.

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