Chapter Twenty

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Bittersweet Chapter Twenty

Zac chewed on his lip as he sat at the cemetery. He knew it was silly to come here to come to the place where his and Liz's first child was buried but being here gave him peace. It helped him remember what he and Liz had came through to get to where they had been before her amnesia and Andrea showing back up.

"Your mom and I fucked up again," he spoke as he looked at the headstone. "We fucked up and things are probably over. I cheated and then she got amnesia and just wants Taylor again," he frowned as he shook his head. "She doesn't want me anymore. I've wanted her since I was fifteen," he spoke knowing he had. Hell he had seen her first at the record store she used to work at as a teenager. He had been the one who invited her to the show where she met Taylor.

"I love her," Zac confessed knowing no matter how angry he had gotten earlier he still loved her. He still loved her and he just wished she remembered him. "I just want her to remember me. I want her to know how much we loved each other."

Before he could say anything else Zac looked up as he heard the sound of a car door shutting and he froze when he saw Liz get out of Taylor's car, making her way to where he was. "What are you doing here?" he asked her his tone turning bitter.

Liz frowned at Zac's bitterness towards her but she sat down beside him on the ground, "I tried every last option I knew of places you'd run too when mad at me," she spoke as she looked down at her hands. "I...I'm sorry for how I treated you at my mom's house. The things I said. I...I remember you Zac. I remember us."

When Liz said that she remembered him Zac looked at her feeling as if this was a dream, "You remember?" he asked as his voice came out unsteady almost shaky.

Nodding Liz gave Zac a smile, "I remember. I remember you and us. Our kids," she smiled more as she continued to speak. "I remember making this baby that I am carrying now in California," she laughed some as she thought of the sex they had, had there. "I'm me again Zac."

Zac finally let himself smile when she mentioned California and their baby making sex, "You do remember," he said as he locked eyes with her. His wife had came back to him and right now he couldn't be happier. "What made you remember?" he asked knowing that when he had left she hadn't remembered a thing.

"Kissing Taylor," Liz admitted feeling herself blush. "It was a mistake but the moment I kissed him I remembered you."

Zac had to admit he didn't like hearing that she had kissed Taylor but he was kind of glad the kiss had made her remember. "Maybe we should be thanking Taylor's lips then," he laughed before moving closer to her, taking her hand in his. "I'm sorry for what I said and how I acted."

When Zac apologized Liz shook her head, "I should be the one apologizing," she told him as she sighed. "I'm the one who hurt you and made you react the way you did. It's just at the time I didn't remember you or loving you but I remember you now. I remember you and I love you and I'm sorry."

Smiling at Liz's apology Zac moved in kissing her on the lips, "I forgive you," he said after he pulled away from the kiss. "I forgive you and I'm glad you are back."

"I'm glad to be back," Liz told him as she reached into her pocket and took his necklace with his wedding band out. "I figured you could put this back on if you wanted," she said hoping that he did. Things seemed better between them now.

Zac took the necklace from her and slipped it on. After it was on he sighed, "We should get home," he said knowing the kids needed to see their mom. "The kids are going to be so happy to have you back. They have missed you, we all have missed you so much."

Liz stood up holding her hand out for him, "I missed all of you too," she nodded once Zac had taken her hand and stood up. She was glad they she was back to herself. She was glad that she could go home to her kids and her husband and be okay. Not everyone who had been shot that night got that. Sara was dead and Liz knew she'd have to do some mourning for her in her own time. She'd also have to find time to visit Isaac and the boys.


Months later Liz sat in her hospital room holding her sleeping son in her arms. Silas Walker Hanson had been born on Christmas day and it seemed for now that Liz and Zac's family was complete for now. As complete as it could be and they had both come to terms with what had happened months prior. Liz had finally forgiven him for what happened with Andrea and Zac had been there for her as she mourned Sara's death.

"He's so handsome," Eleanor spoke from beside Liz as she looked down at Silas asleep in her arms. "Can I hold him?"

"Of course you can hold him," Liz said as she handed the baby boy off smiling when he didn't even wake up. "You better get used to holding Hanson babies. One day you will have one of your own," she laughed as her eye caught the engagement ring on Eleanor's finger. It had taken a month of being back but somehow Liz had played matchmaker and gotten Eleanor to agree to go on a date with Taylor. A date that had eventually lead to their engagement on Thanksgiving.

Eleanor fake glared at Liz's words, "I'm not even sure Taylor wants anymore kids I mean he has five with his ex-wife," she said as she made a face. It was hard to believe in a short amount of months she had dumped Bobby and gotten with Taylor who she was now engaged too and soon she would one day be his wife and step-mom to his children.

"Trust me Taylor's always wanted a big family," Liz informed her watching as Eleanor held Silas still. "Taylor loves kids and you can't tell me you don't want them."

"I do," Eleanor nodded knowing she had always wanted kids. That was one reason she was a nanny for so long. She felt it would help her for when she became a mom. "I really do and I'd like to see mini versions of Taylor and I," she laughed knowing that statement could mean doom. She had after all heard horror stories about Taylor as a child.

Before Liz could speak she heard the door open and watched as Zac came in the room with Jude and Emerson, "Hey," she smiled watching as Eleanor handed the baby off to Zac who just looked down at his son with such pride. She knew Zac was glad to have another baby especially a son. "I wasn't expecting you guys back so early from lunch."

"Jude missed his mommy," Zac told Liz as he looked at her. "And Emmy just wanted to see Silas. I think she believes the baby is hers..sorta like a baby doll."

Liz laughed at that thought, "I'm sure she'll think he is a baby doll when he starts crying," she said as she reached down and pulled Jude up on the bed with her. It was this moment in the room with Zac and her kids and Eleanor too that she knew she was blessed. She was blessed with all she had and she was glad that the events of the past year had brought her and Zac closer and also made Eleanor's life better too. The only thing she'd forever hate was that Sara was gone. That her sister had murdered her friend.

Shaking her head she came out of her thoughts in time to see Zac move closer to her. "I love you," she smiled up at him.

"I love you too," Zac told her before leaning in to kiss her briefly on the lips. A movement that made Silas finally wake up and let out a loud cry.

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