2~The Invitation

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NOTE TO ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! You guys are so awesome! I know I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I kept having to do work for someone, so I didn't get time.

Remember to Vote, Comment, Follow, And Share! Sorry for being such a bugger, but I'd love to get some more reads in!!! If you share it on a social media site like tumblr or whatevers, tell me and I WILL DEDICATE A CHAPTER FOR YOU!!!

Oh and sorry for the pov changes!!


~Ronald Weasley~

"As of yesterday, the prestigious Malfoy family has a new member. Meredith Burke, the 13-year-old Durmstrang girl who lost both her parents last week, has been moved to the Malfoy residency. There is no know relative connection between Meredith and the Malfoys, so what is the mystery beneath this sudden fostering? Are the Malfoys genuinely caring for Burke? Or is it for another reason? More updates will be delivered as information is received. Rita Skeeter, senior journalist." I finished reading aloud as Ginny grabbed the Daily Prophet out of my hands.

"If those are the kinds of girls that go to Durmstrang--" Fred peered at the paper that showed a photograph of Meredith smiling softly with Minister Fudge.

"Then, I want a transfer to Durmstrang!" George completed his sentence, staring dazed at the paper. Ginny rolled her eyes and looked over at me.

"I feel really bad for her, though." Fred sympathized.

"I know what you mean. I don't know what I would do if we lost mum and dad!" Ginny gave a quick hug to our dad and he hugged her back.

"No, not that. Living with--them!" Fred corrected her, and George pretended to vomit.

I chuckled at them and continued to stuff my face with more breakfast foods. While still chewing I asked dad, "Yeah, I still don't see how you didn't win that fight over Malfoy, dad!" I referred to the point that the ministry was seeking a foster home for Meredith, since she didn't have any fit relatives to take care of her, and both dad and Malfoy volunteered.

"Me neither, Ron. The Malfoy's tend to never care for anyone except themselves." He responded curiously.

"Well, she's a pureblood, is she not?" Mum handed me another plate of treats, to which I graciously accepted.

"She is, that's probably why." Dad reasoned with us, but I still felt like there was something else in play.

"So, will she be attending Hogwarts in the fall?" Ginny propped her chin on the palm of her hand.

"That's what the paper said yesterday, she'll be going into the same year as you, Ginny." I reiterated, looking over at dad for clarification.

"That's right! So, that means, you'll need to be extra welcoming to her!" He padded Ginny's back assuringly.

Then, suddenly, I remembered today we were supposed to get Harry. "Oh, Blimey! We're supposed to get Harry today!"

"Don't worry, not until tonight." Mum reminded me, and relief washed over me.


Once again, I awoke to a restless night of little sleep. I peered across the room at a clock, and noticed it was only 3:00 A.M. I slowly pushed the covers off myself and slid out of the bed. My hair was a mess, but I never cared. I walked over to the window and laid a hand on it, but it was cold and sent shivers down my spine.

Even though it was supposed to be summer, the weather was never as warm as it got when I visited the states. In the states, everything was warm and bright, and I absolutely loved visiting there. We would visit there every summer which was my favorite season.

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