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Previously on Friday Barnes...."Wait wait Wait!" 

Me: What?  

Friday: What are you THINKING???!!! 

Me: what? 

Friday: you know what!!

Ian pops up behind Friday

Ian:what Friday? You don't want us to be all kiss kiss? 

Ian makes a kissing face to Friday. 

Friday: In your dreams Ian. 

Me: well Friday it looks like to me that Ian-

Ian: hold that thought. I approve this 'thing' as long as I don't end up kissing Einstein.

Friday scolds at Ian.

Me: ok. But just so you know, you guys ki-

Ian covers his hand over my mouth.

Ian: shhh. Some people haven't read the series. We have to be considerate.

Friday: ok! Do you have a problem or now. Before I go crazy!

Ian: calm down Friday!

Me: see? (Said while smriking)

Ian: zip it.

Me, Friday, Ian: hope you enjoy!

Friday Barnes: The plot thickens TWISTEDWhere stories live. Discover now