"FRIDAY! DON'T DO IT!" shouted Melanie as she raced down to Ian's dorm. When she got there, the door was locked. Melanie kicked down the door. "AHHHHH" screamed Ian and Friday in unison. "Melanie! What in the Albert Einstein are you doing?" asked Friday, leaping to her feet. Ian's shirt was off, and so was Friday's ugly brown cardigan. "Susan was right!" shouted Melanie. "What? Susan was right about what?" asked Friday. Melanie clearly had Friday's attention. Ian just wanted Friday to himself. Friday was fun to tease. She didn't let it bother her, until VERY single person was doing it. "Susan..she said that.. that.. you'll lose your virginity if you 'study with Ian'." explained Melanie. Ian smirked. He walked over to Melanie and whispered something in her ear. "You are a player." said Melanie, glaring at Ian. Ian chuckled. "oh please, Melanie. I know you want to join." said Ian. "In your dreams, dream boy." said Melanie. Melanie turned around, then flipped back around. "Watch your back Ian, and Friday, if he gets you pregnant...just know i'm here for you." said Melanie. Tears were falling on the floor. Friday got up and hugged Melanie. "thank you." Said Friday. "I'll be fine." "Plus we haven't....you know...just kissing." Said Friday. Melanie smiled. She left. "You owe me a door!" shouted Ian after her. "In your dreams! You owe me my friend back!" shouted Melanie. Friday was in a giggle fit. "I have to go." said Friday, still laughing. Before she walked out, she kissed Ian. "Bye." said Friday. Ian smiled.
As Friday walked back to her dorm, she bumped into Parker. "Oh Friday are you okay?" asked Parker. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" asked Friday. "Well, i heard Melanie shouting 'Friday don't do it'. " explained Parker. Friday smiled. "I was in Ian's dorm." said Friday. Parker gasped. "Did you guys....uh." said Parker. "No way. I wouldn't let him. Plus, Ian told me it would hurt. It sounds painful." said Friday. Parker was happy. "I'm so glad." said Parker, hugging her. "Parker you're like a big brother to me." said Friday. "Oh really? What about Wainscott?" asked Parker. Friday smiled. "He's like....my boyfriend." Said Friday. "Melanie is like my aged sister. A lot of people say that we are sisters, now." said Friday. Parker smiled to himself. "I will always support you." said Parker. "Thanks Parker. It's like my family is here." Said Friday looking around the hallway. "I have to get going." said Parker, looking at his watch.
Hey. So little mini authors note.
I have made a lot of Books including:
Friday Barnes: High school status? Not Easy!
Pretty Little Liars: Little more of -A.
OKAY! maybe not 'Lots.'
But i'm working on it!
BUT GO READ THOSE!! i am creating a new book called "What's on the marriage rings."
so yeah..... BYE BYE (><)
Friday Barnes: The plot thickens TWISTED
FanficFriday Barnes is being attacked on all fronts! Or...is....she?