The Nun Just Wants Her Baby Back

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A woman named Nora the Nun haunts some woods near me in Wales. In these woods there is an old 12th or 13th century castle where she is rumored to have lived. There have been so many sightings and even car crashes along the road outside the woods as a result of people swerving to avoid a nun they saw standing in the middle of the road.

The legend goes that Nora was a nun at this castle. She met a handsome castle guard who got her pregnant. After her sin was discovered, she was to be executed for going against the word of God. Nora ran from the castle with her baby and hid him in a tree trunk, with the intention of coming back for him after she escaped her pursuers.  

She eventually managed to lose them, but when she went back for her baby, she couldn't find him. Nora searched the woods day and night until she eventually died. It's said Nora cannot pass over until she finds her baby.

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