Demon reveal

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Reveal where the Demons are

Tested: N


1 White candle with your blood drops as to reapesent your soul.
1 Red Candle
1 Black Candle
Worship Idol


Chant in a pitch black room lit by candles.

Talking in darkness, hell awaits, ending life of tourment, entering life of fire,giving satan my soul, small price to pay, leave this life of dismay, hailing y lord from below, bending to his command, demon givin on earth to do lucifers bidding, ave santani, fire dance! Ave santan, fire lance, take me satan make me whole, save me from this black hole,walking in hekk with my god, burning my soul and trying not to hog, the power lucifer, has given me, drawing my dagger piericing it into the night, satan take me, ave santan, satan make me ave santan, cast me in your imagie, glorifiy me in your dark light, let me burn with you eternialy, let me end this life of uncertintiy, give me whatI want my lord, just open up your door, let me into hell now, let me into hell to dwell. So mote it be. Hail Satan.

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