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Look up "Pacman" in the Google Search bar, and you'll be able to play a Google Doodle Pacman game. This doodle was to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Pacman.

Looking up "Sonic the Hedgehog" or "Green Hill Zone" will give you a knowledge graph with Sonic waiting. If you click on him, he will jump. Clicking on him 25 times will make him turn into Super Sonic! Sadly, though, he won't do anything else after you click on him for a 26th time.

Typing in "anagram" will make Google say "did you mean: nag a ram". Typing in "define anagram" will make Google say "did you mean: nerd fame again". An anagram is a jumble of letters in a word or phrase to make new words or phrases, if you didn't know.

Typing in "do a barrel roll" into Google will cause the search results to actually do a barrel roll.

Typing in "askew" or "tilt" will cause the Google screen to tilt. If you look at what you typed into the search bar, you might see that the letters are unlinear!

Typing in "super mario bros" will give you a knowledge graph with a lucky block in it. Clicking it will cause a coin to pop out of it! {CHALLENGE- How many coins can you collect from it?}

Hovering your mouse over the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button will cause it to roll up or down, like a slot machine, and say a different adjective other than what it said before, like "artistic", "adventurous", "wonderful"

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Hovering your mouse over the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button will cause it to roll up or down, like a slot machine, and say a different adjective other than what it said before, like "artistic", "adventurous", "wonderful"... or even "hungry". Try it yourself. What did it say? Type your answer in the comments for this paragraph!

Typing in "atari breakout" into the search bar and then going to Google Images will allow you to play their version of the classic Atari game: Image Breakout!

Typing in "blink html" into the Google Search bar will cause all appearances of the words "blink" and "html" to blink!

Wanna know about Google's most cancerous Easter egg? Type in "fidget spinner" into the search bar, and you will be greeted by an interactive fidget spinner!

If you type in "wubba lubba dub dub" into the Google Search bar, it will say "Did you mean: i am in great pain please help me". This is a reference to the animated sci-fi sitcom, Rick and Morty.

 This is a reference to the animated sci-fi sitcom, Rick and Morty

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Type in "recursion", and it will say "Did you mean: recursion". Deja vu!

Typing in "google in 1998" will cause the google results to look like what it did in 1998.

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