Chapter 4

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A few days later, Bai Qian strolls around Qing Qiu, watching A-Li play with the other children of Qing Qiu. Mi Gu approaches and bows to her.

"Gugu, High God Zhe Yan has come to see you. He says he will check your condition." he said. Bai Qian turns to him and nods. "Tell him to come to the cottage by the river." she replied. The guardian smiles. "Will do, Gugu."

Bai Qian walks up to where A-Li was playing and calls out.

"A-Li!" she calls. The young god turns around and runs to his mother. "Mother?" he asks. "High God Zhe Yan will be here. Will you be okay if I leave you for a moment? The people here will look after you." At that, A-Li's face lightens up. "Really?" he asks excitedly. His mother, her face smiling, nods at him. "Yes. You can play. But please stay on sight, okay?" she said. The boy nods and smiles again, reminding Bai Qian suddenly of.. him.

"Zhe Yan. You're here." Bai Qian calls out to the middle-aged man clothed in light pink robes standing next to a familiar figure dressed in blue. "Fourth Brother! What are you doing here?!" she exclaimed in astonishment.

"Why, Fifth Sister, I came here to check on you! Why you don't want me here? he teased, making his little sister scoff slightly. "Of course not! You just surprised me with your presence here." she replied, sitting on the seat beside Zhe Yan.

As the older god prepared, Bai Qian continued conversing with her brother,

"Fourth Brother, how is Mother and Father doing?" she asked.

Bai Zhen smiled and then said, "Why don't you ask them yourself?"

At her confused expression, Bai Zhen laughed.

"Little Five, Little Five, Mother and Father are coming! They are going to stay here during your pregnancy to help you."

At that, with a sudden flash of pure white light, Bai Qian and Bai Zhen's parents apppeared, looking regal in their simple clothes in warm brown and white.

"Mother! Father! You came here." Bai Qian said and bowed to them in respect. But her mother stopped her. "Stand up. You're pregnant. You must be careful with your body now." she said. Bai Qian nodded. Her Father held her hand and patted it. "Little Five, I hope you are now well." he said. His daughter smiled. "I am quite alright, Father. No need to worry yourself out."

Zhe Yan, quietly observing their conversation, cut in. "Now, before we talk again to each other, let me check on Bai Qian's current condition first."

Taking her hand, he felt her pulse then shot a beam of light towards her. After a few seconds, he withdrew his beam.

"Well?" the Fox King asked him.

"Bai QIan is quite well now. But Little Five must remember to eat healthy and take some much needed rest to better your children's health and development."

"Children?" Bai Qian asked, shocked.

Zhe Yan smiled mischievously. "I must say, Little Five. It definitely runs in the family. Mo Yuan and Ye Hua were twins, now you are carrying twins too. Who must have though of this happening?" he teased.

Before Bai Qian could answer, there was a yell across the river.

Turning, they saw A-Li, leading Feng Jiu towards them.

When they finally came, A-Li and Feng Jiu smiled breathlessly. "Mother!" A-Li greeted out and was about to approach her closer when he noticed the visitors.

Recognizing them, he bowed to each of them individually.

"A-Li greets.."

The Fox King and Queen nodded in understanding. "What a fine young boy you are, A-Li. Yes, although you look a lot like your Father, you also take after your Mother too. I guess it is your personalities, which are most alike." The Fox Queen said, affection and joy clear in her voice.

The Fox King nodded in agreement. "Yes, he does. Little Five, you have done well. A fine young boy, your first born is. A great pride. Congratulations, my dearest girl. For your pregnancy. And, your Mother is right. We will stay here to help."

Bai Qian, feeling reassured, smiled brightly and sighed in relief.

Walking towards the Fox Den with A-Li, long and relaxed the two of them slowly walked.

But as they neared the bridge, Bai Qian felt nostalgia.

"Oh, Ye Hua.........

If only, only,

You were here with me...."

Memories of a Lifetime (Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms aka Eternal Love Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now