Chapter 3

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        "Oh wow. I kind of like you to Blake."

        I cant believe this is actually happening. I never thought I would ever like the class nerd. Even if he was this hot.

       Hunter and Lola were walking back to the party leaving Blake and I alone.

        "I really dont know if its to soon so im just gonna say it. Blair, will you be my girlfriend?"

        I was extremely shocked that he would be this brave. Of course I liked him. It wouldnt hurt to go out with him. If things worked out we would be a couple and if they didnt we could still be friends.


        He had on the biggest smile as we walked back to the party.

        "Oh um Blair? You know this means I have to take you on a date now, right?"

        "Yea! Just tell me when and i'll be there."

        "I have to think about it. Since its going to be our first date it has to be perfect."

        I decided that I had enough partying for  the night and headed back home.


        As I was drifting off to sleep I heard my phone go off.

        "Hello?" I croaked into the phone.

        "Blair! This family is so creepy we can not stay here!"


        "Your brother. Remember? Hunter?"

        I heard Hunter telling Lola to give him the phone in the background.

        "Blair. Its Hunter we need to get out of this place."

        "Ok. Come over to our house. You guys can crash in my room for the night."

        They immediatly hung up. I got up to see if I could find any extra pillows and blankets. I saw Abbie sitting in the living room watching tv.

        "Hey Abbie!"

        "Oh Hi Blair. Isnt it kind off late? Why are you up?"

        After explaining the whole Hunter and Lola problem to Abbie she showed me to the laundry room  where there was freshly washed blankets and a couple pillows. 

        "Thank you Abbie! Good night"

        I headed to my room to with all the stuff and set up a makeshift bed on the floor for Hunter and Lola.


        I turn around to see my crazy best friend in my doorway. As soon as she walked in she threw herself into bed. Hunter came up the stairs with all of there suit cases.

        "Lola is crazy. Oh and Blair thanks for letting us stay."

        "Your my brother I was obviously going to."

        The next day I woke up to Lola's voice.

        "Blair! Wake up! You have to get dressed!"


        "Your going on your date with Blake. He told me everything."

        Obeying Lola I got up to see her holding a black and blue dress. I slipped on the dress and a pair of black vans them turned to Lola.

        "Its perfect! Now go out to the drive way Blake is waiting. Oh and have fun!"

        I waled out of the house to see Blake wearing shorts and a shirt. 

        "You look amazing."

        "Thank You."

        I blushed and tryed to cover it up with my hair.

        "You look adorable when you blush."

        We made our way over to the car. We drove in silence for ten minutes then we pulled into the parking lot of a small cafe.

        "I know its not a fancy dinner or anything but since I dont know much about the restaruants here this will do."

        "Its perfect Blake. Honestly."

        We walked out to the back portion of the cafe and sat at a small table facing the water.

        "This is absolutely gorgeaus Blake."

        "Blair. I really like you and I hope this relation ship works out."

        When the waiter came I ordered a chocolate muffin and a latte.

        Throughout the corse of the evening we talked about our familys and ourselves. When it was starting to get dark Blake payed for the bill and we walked towards the car.

        "Blake. I had an amazing time. Thank you so much for today."

        "Its no problem really Blair honestly."

        I reached up and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

The dress Blair wore on the date is to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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