May we meet again

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This is my first fanfic so plz give me feedback 

Sherlocks pov:

we were finally happy after years of denial and confusion, me and John were finally engaged! I remember the look on his face when he had asked he looked so worried. Everything had been so beautiful and romantic, and just perfect. I had cried it was so amazing and then frantically nodded my head and whispered a "yes".

But now here I am standing on the roof of st.barts hospital taking one final look at John before saying goodbye. I couldn't see his face, but I could image it. By this time he probably knew what was going on. He didn't deserve this but there was no other way I had to jump, I had to leave him but I didn't want to. I couldn't let Mrs.Hudson, Lestrade and John die. I don't know if John will be ok but at least he will be alive. I was afraid, not of 'dying' but about what would happen afterward, would the snipers shout anyway, would John be ok, how long would it be until I saw him again? I looked down at the ring on my finger before I jumped, the last thing I heard was him scream my name.

I spent the next year being tortured and taking down Moriarty's web, the only thing that got me through it was the thought of going home to John, my John. Human beings are capable of doing anything to keep what they love, this sometimes leads us to do the unimaginable. But even losing everything doesn't matter if you get to be happy again, in life that's the only thing that matters. I miss him, he's all I can think about in this hell hole I just hope I can go home soon to my John, my fiance...

~2 years later~

I stood outside of the restaurant looking in the window at John, my John. He sat alone and had aged he also had this awful mustache but was no less handsome. It had been almost two years since I had seen John and I missed him. I walked into the restaurant looking at the man I love, I nervously fiddled with the ring on my finger that I kept on after all this time and walked towards him. All these long months of torment and suffering to make sure John would be safe were finally over and I could come home to the man who meant more to me than any person ever had before. A man who had become my reason to live, to survive. I could share it all with him again, just a few more feet and I would be there. When I got to the table John was looking at a menu and didn't notice me.

"John..." I said my voice barely a whisper, I'm surprised he heard me.

He looked up at me with a blank look on his face he stood up and looked at me, with shock, sadness, and anger in his eyes.

"sher-Sherlock?" He said in a small voice.

I was ready to tell him that I loved him, that I hoped things could be like they were before I was about to tell him everything I have wanted to tell him every day for the past two years, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a blond pregnant woman with a confused expression on her face.

"what have you done to my husband?" She asked, I was confused by this at first but then saw the ring on John's finger. I ran out of the restraint, tears running down my cheeks.

I ran to 221b and made sure to avoid the creaky step so

Mrs. Hudson wouldn't hear me. Everything in the flat was just as I had left it, even my old experiments were still on the kitchen table. I ran to my old room, sat on my bed and cried for hours. So what if the man that got me through two years of torture and pain was gone I could live without him.

But I was wrong, I can't live without John Watson, I need him but he doesn't need me. My worst nightmare had come true, John was gone. I had to find something to keep my mind off of him even just for a minute, I looked at my old dresser and quickly found my secret supply. I was just about the stick the needle in my arm when John came bursting thru the door.

"Sherlock what are you doing, STOP!." John said bursting into the room. Sherlock looked up at John tears running down his cheeks.

"Why are you doing this..." John said in a small voice. "WHY!."

"Because you chose her, chose her..." Sherlock said his voice breaking.

"Sherlock I... If you had stayed we would be married right now...but you left."

John pulled his silver ring out of his pocket and placed it on Sherlock's dresser. He took one final look at the man he still loved and walked out the door.

Sherlock grabbed Johns wrist stopping him from leaving and lashed out before he could stop himself. "But this is your home, here with me! This is where you belong! You know you do! You have to stay!"

John was taken aback by the outburst. His heart broke in a way he never expected it could when he answered Sherlock. "No Sherlock. It's not anymore....not like that....not since you went away. I am sorry...goodbye Sherlock." And with that Sherlock watched the love of his life walk out the door.

~3 days later~ Johns pov:

I left mary, I love her I really do but I will never love anyone like I love Sherlock. Now here I am sitting in 221b waiting for Sherlock to come home. I was going to tell him I was sorry and that I still loved him. sherlock completes me and I need him, I just hope he needs me. I heard the door open and practically ran to him.

I stopped running when I saw that it was Mycroft, he looked down at me with a sad look on his face and said

"John...there's been an accident"

~2 weeks later~

I sat in a chair beside Sherlock's hospital bed for weeks waiting for him to wake up, that's if he ever does wake up...The doctors said he had overdosed and was lucky to be alive.

I heard a faint sound and looked over to see Sherlock eyes finally open and looking at me.

"John..." He said his voice barely a whisper.

"Sherlock" I rushed over and hugged him.

"John? what are you doing her-"

Sherlock was cut off by John kissing him.

John quickly broke the kiss and looked into Sherlock's eyes.

"But what about Mary?"Sherlock said in a small voice.

"I left her, Sherlock...I left her for you."

"I'm so sorry, John" Sherlock said in a sad voice.

"No, I'm sorry Sherlock I never should have left...if I hadn't you would not be here and-" John was about the tell Sherlock everything he was going to say two weeks ago but was cut off by Sherlock kissing him.

And I'll never forget how he said "It's ok John I... I should never have left you I'm sorry. John I still...I love you"

I smiled looked into his eyes and said "I love you too"

He smiled back at me, and that's when I heard the machines go crazy, the doctors rushed in and pushed me out of the room the rest was a blur, but I will never forget the look on the doctor face when he came out of the room, I will never forget what he had told me and I will never ever forget the last words Sherlock ever spoke.

~3 weeks later~

I couldn't go to Sherlock's funeral, not again. I haven't left the flat in a week and haven't slept because every time I close my eyes I see him. I loved him and I fail him, if I didn't leave him that night he wouldn't have taken the drugs and he would still be here. If it wasn't for me he would be here laughing, loving and living... I spent weeks like this until one day I finally came to a conclusion.

I sat on the floor of 221b looking up at Sherlock's chair with a gun in my mouth. A single tear rolled down my cheek I smiled to myself and said: "May we meet again..."


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