Chapter 6 : Pranking time

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Next morning we woke up at my place, Jess woke up in the couch and i woke up in my room with my head out the window. I dont remember anything, all I know is that it was really cold, my head is freezing. I got dressed and led Jess some clothes. We were still the same size! We went to IHOP and while having breakfast we planned the next things we were going to do to Marcus.

-"Hey,what about replacing his soap with a bar of cream cheese and his toothpaste with mayonnaise." I said

-"A little of girly pranks will annoy him i guess!"

-"Yeah, and I bet he'll blame it on the maid."

-"Wait a sec... My phone is ringing."

-"Is it him ?"

-"Ugh think so... Yes..." Jess said as she checked her phone.

Jess answered the phone and started talking to him, I could listen everything because i put my ear on the other side of the phone.

-"Hello?" Jess said

-"Hey babe!" Marcus answered

-"What happened baby?"

-"No nothing, just wondering if..."

-"If what...?

-"If tonight, 7:00 would like to go to Mary and The Johnsons.

-"The Fancy restaurant?"


-"Sure, see you there!"

-"Okay, bye baby."

Jess hung up and looked at me like as if she was sorry. When my phone started ringing... "Jess, im going to pick that up." It was Marcus! Yes! Jess wasn't the only one who got a call! This time Jess leaned over to me so she could hear our conversation.

-"Hello?" I said

-"Hey babe!"

-"What's up ?"

-"Just wondering if..."

-"If what...?"

-"If tomorrow at 7:00 P.M. you wanted to come to Mary and The Johnsons.

-"Why not tonight babe?"

-"Because tonight i have to go to dinner with my grandmother...believe me, I wont be enjoying myself at all."

"WHAT A JERK!" Jess accidentally let out, before covering her mouth.

-"Who was that?" Marcus said

-"That? Oh. Go Jacky! Its a friend, she is finally breaking up with her jerk of a boyfriend."



-"I certainly hate cheaters!"

-"Good, babe..." I said as I thought of how he hated himself as a cheater.

-"Ok... so bye baby."



-"Will you be hone today?"

-"Well Im heading out right now and I won't be back in till 6:00 p.m. at least."

-"Oh, just asking."

-"Love you babe bye."


It was still 12:00 so we had plenty of time till 6:00 to break into Marcus's pent house and do some pranking. When we finished eating we drove to Marcus's it was already 1:30, which wasn't a matter, the thing was how to get in. The maid was in there! Jess came up with the idea of jumping in the open window in the back of the pent house floor one. It was the storage room's window. We jumped in, Jess first of course and then she pulled me in. I fell because i was carrying the bag with our "pranking supplies". We went to Marcus's bathroom in the second floor and did the soap and toothpaste replacing, plus as a bonus we wrapped Marcus's toilet with clear plastic wrapping and put some red koolaid in his shower so when he turned on the water it'll come out red. Luckily we didn't bump in with the maid and easily we snuck back out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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