Chapter 9

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Late that night Danny flung the bedsheets off his bed, making the butterflies fly. He went ghost and flew out of his house. He flew over the town invisibly. There were still people out and he didn't want to risk any chances.

"Now if I was a red clad superhero with a magic yoyo, where would I be," Danny muttered to himself.

He passed her house and quickly checked her room, only to find it empty. He whistled at the many Adrien pictures on the walls. "Man this girl got it bad," he told the butterfly next to him.

After a few minutes he found a superhero. However, it wasn't the one he was looking for.

A shadow was moving fast among the buildings. Something glinted every now and then and when Danny squinted he saw two green glows by his face.

"Well look who it is. Chat Noir." Danny mused to himself and followed the cat. "Impressive."

Suddenly the cat disappeared.

Danny paused invisibly in the air and blinked. "What." He flew closer to where he had seen him. Where did that kid go.

Suddenly he saw him. Chat Noir was hiding deep in the shadows, eyes squinted and looking at him with tensed muscles. Danny wouldn't have seen him had it not been for his enhanced eyesight. He quickly checked he was still invisible and was relieved when that was the case.

Then how...

The butterfies.

Danny groaned when he remembered his Papis and he turned around to see them flitting around him excitedly. He had never taken them out in a night stroll before.

That cat hadn't moved and seemed to be inspecting Danny's ladies with narrowed eyes. He slowly grabbed something from his belt and slid it open.

Danny heard a young voice come from him.

"My Lady? You might want to come see this. There are a flock of white akumas flying out here."

Danny smiled. If he couldn't find Marinette, then Marinette would come to him. But what should he do about Chat Noir.

Danny landed on a rooftop to wait for Ladybug and let his Papis settle down on him.

Chat blinked in confusion as one by one, the akumas disappeared in mid air. He slowly left his hiding spot and approached the spot where he saw the last of them disappear. He held out his hand and heard something shift. A few butterflies reappeared before disappearing again. "What?"

Chat's ears flitted around nervously and he thrust his hand out, connecting with something.

There was a yelp and Chat Noir jumped back with a gasp. "Who is there?" Nothing moved and he clutched his staff. "Get out. I know you are there."

Danny moaned inwardly. That cat had figured him out. What should he do. There was no way he could reveal himself. He decided to wait until Ladybug came. Please hurry up.

Chat Noir had no idea what was going on. He had only seen so many cleansed akumas with Danny. So unless Danny could suddenly turn invisible this must be some kind of akumatized person. "Hello?" he tried. "Common, man. Get out." He let his staff stretch and it hit something solid. Chat blinked when his staff went invisible too.

Then the akuma moved and...flew away?

Chat followed it, only knowing where it was by the butterflies following it. "Hey come back here!" He jumped after the thing and pounced on many places he thought it was.

Chat sniffed the air and his ears twitched. If he couldn't see it, then he would rely on his other senses. There!

The cat pounced and felt something solid under his paws. But the force had them both tumbling down the edge of the building and scattering on the ground.

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