Chapter 1

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Harry and I have had an adventurous love story since the contest. He calls me everyday or texts when he's busy, but part of me is still missing. I just want to hug and kiss him so bad. Some may say it's hard to keep a long distance relationship, but it gets easier when it's with Harry Styles.

I constantly get messages on Twitter and Facebook about Harry and how he's doing. Those are the people I love. But then you get the girls that just send you continuous hate. I have been told "to go kill myself" and "you don't deserve Harry", but I just hold back.

From my previous behavior on stage that one night in England, it has come back to bite me a bit. Tabloids have called me psycho, but I don't really care what they call me, I know it's not true.

So my parents were sitting on the couch in our living room watching a movie. "Taylor! Can you get the mail?!" my mom yelled.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could because Harry and I have been writing letters to each other. I loved to see him on Skype once and a while, but I think love letters are a bit more romantic.

I ran outside and jumped off 5 stairs to reach the bottom of the concrete. I skipped to the mailbox at the end of my house's deck. I reached my hand inside and fished out a handful of envelopes.

I was shuffling through them as I spot an envelope from Harry, I squeeled a bit and held it against my heart. I ran inside and tossed the rest of the mail on my dad's lap, causing it to fly everywhere. But I was too excited to care.

I ran up the stairs, skipping one, and ran into my room and locked the door.

I ripped open the envelope and 3 pictures flew out onto my bed.

There was one of Harry and Baby Lux and the back was Harry's handwriting saying: Our babies will be so cute. :)

The second one was of Louis and Harry. Louis was kissing Harry's cheek and the back read: Jelly much?

I took a moment to laugh at that because Louis' like a brother to me and this whole Larry Stylinson is so funny, so I do go along with it.

The last picture is the last picture I took with him at the airport before I left him. The back of this one said: I miss you so much and can't wait to see you soon.

Soon? I studied the sentence over and over again. Soon... What does he mean soon? I decided to read the letter next.


Hi babe, I miss you so much and have so many things to tell you and give you! The boys and I can't wait to see you girls again. So here's the news, we will be going on a USA TOUR! We get to spend most of our time in New York! I love you and please call me when you get this!  

- Haz xxxxxx

By the time I was done reading the whole letter, I was jumping on my bed doing a really stupid dance.

As I got caught in the moment of dancing an singing One Direction songs obnoxiously loud, I remembered something? I need to call Harry! So I dove across the room and got my phone, I dialed the number and it rang 3 times.

"Babe?" Harry's low accented voice picked up.

"Harry! I love you do much! I can't believe you're doing a USA tour this summer!" I spoke loud into the phone.

"Taylor, I love you too and I cannot wait to see you and just hold you again." Harry's voice sounded very romantic.

"Aww, Haz! I loved the pictures, they're so cute!" I said.

"Thanks! I had Niall take most of them!" Harry said and I heard Niall's voice in the background yell out, "you're welcome!"

I laughed at Niall and Harry quickly responded, "I gotta go record, I love you so much babe and I'll text you the details about the tour." Harry said, sounding as if he was being dragged away.

"Mwah! I love you!" I made a kissing noise into the phone and hung up.

I found myself fan girling a bit as I put my phone down and swung my feet at the end of my bed and covered my face with a pillow do my screams would be muffled.

I stopped screaming for a minute and turned the radio on. Coincidently, "What Makes You Beautiful" came on, which didn't help my screaming. I was singing at the top of my lungs and dancing around. Still singing, I walked down the stairs and into the living room where my parents were.

I walked over to my mom and started singing to her, she had no idea what was going on. I sang Harry's solo and skipped away singing, "baby you light up my world like nobody else..." and ended up in front of my house.

I was spinning in circles and got some suggestive looks from my neighbors. I didn't let them get in the way of my mood.

I returned back inside and saw that I got an email from Lily! 

Lily: If you heard, the boys will be coming in soon and I'd like to invite you all over to my house for a huge sleepover! Respond if you're interested! But don't tell the boys, they just think they're sleeping over at my house. Shhh :)But seriously, let's get the gang back together!

I smiled at the email and reponded.

Taylor: Yeah! That sounds like fun! Text me the details!

I set my laptop down and soaked all my emotions in my brain. I couldn't believe that he ws actually coming to see me, well to go on tour. I just said to myself that he was coming for me, so I wouldn't get the fact that he would be leaving after that to travel the rest if the country.

I tried calming down and I fell asleep. I was exhausted from all that fan girling!


I texted Fiona because last night she asked me if i needed a ride to Lily's. She responded that she picked up Dana and will be at my house in 30 minutes. I quickly jumped out of bed. I took a shower last night, so I got up, and straightened my hair.

I put some make up on, and had an outfit already laid out for today (link in description). 

I spritzed myself with some PINK perfume and declared myself ready. I took a deep breath as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You're ready." I said to myself, patting down wrinkles in my shirt.

I heard Fiona's car out in front of my house, so I grabbed my satchel and ran out of my door. I ran to the car and Fiona and Dana were standing outside the car. I trampled Fiona with a huge hug, but I jumped on Dana, and she was able to hold me. 

I hopped in the car and we were off to pick up Julie and then off to Lily's!

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