Chapter 1

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  Disclaimer: I do not own Good Luck Charlie, nor any of the characters. I do not make money from it.

Teddy's heart jumped when she took a step toward the rear window of Spencer's parked car. She stared through the tinted window as she watched two muscular bodies move on top of each other. She knew that she should walk away and try to confront her serial cheater boyfriend about his newest hook - up. The shock that Spencer was cheating on her with another person - a boy, was too much for the blond. Her hands were shaking as she noticed a dark face looking up at her through the window. They stared at each other as Teddy mouthed the word "Raymond." She watched as he ducked down, she took a step closer when Spencer's head shot up. Tears were dripping down her face as Spencer fumbled to pull his jeans back up. Teddy turned away from the two lovers and slowly started moving away. She heard the car door open, accompanied with the pitter -patter of Spencer's bare feet against the asphalt.

"Teddy!" he called after her. "I can explain."

She kept walking as he walked up to her, grabbing her tiny wrist and spinning her around. She couldn't believe that she thought Spencer's cheating days were over. As Spencer pulled her close, she thought about how nice it felt to have him back. Earlier that day, she had felt so relaxed and safe sitting next to the love of her life on her living room couch. She thought that she would feel more connected to Spencer by playing his favorite sport, volleyball. She wanted him to know that she could love what he loved. She needed to show him that she could be his devoted girlfriend, the woman who always supported her man.

Now as she stared at her boyfriend, all she could feel was his arms wrapped around her thin frame. Although she was upset, she rested her head against his bare shoulder. He whispered apologies in her ear and begged her not to tell anyone. She ignored his sorry excuses for explanations. The only thing she could think of was "Why?" Why wasn't she angry or disgusted by watching her lover hook up with another male? Why couldn't she raise her hand up to his face and leave a red hand mark imprinted on his cheek? Why couldn't she stop loving him after the way he cheated on her, lied to her, and took advantage of her? All Teddy did was wonder how could she snuggle up with him after everything that just happened?

"How long?" she whispered.


"I need to know how long."

"Uh... almost a year."

Teddy pulled away from him, wiping her eyes with the edges of her sleeves. She shook her head at her own stupidity. Spencer was cheating on her the entire time they were together. If he wanted to be with Raymond, why did he want to get back together with her? What was the point of their relationship if he never loved her in the first place? He cheated on her with Skylar and now he was cheating on her with his best friend, Raymond. She couldn't believe that Raymond, her best friend's ex-boyfriend, would do this. She glanced over at the parked car, realizing that Raymond was still hiding inside.

Then, it hit her.

Why didn't she notice that her boyfriend was gay or bisexual? There were times when her parents joked about Spencer's appearance like the time when Spencer took Teddy to the school dance. She overheard Amy telling Bob that girls loved gay looking guys like Justin Bieber or the Jonas Brothers. When Teddy informed her parents that Spencer cheated on her with Skylar, the first thing Bob asked if Skylar was a girl. Even PJ joked about Spencer's sexuality when Emmett, Skylar, and Teddy were combining their song for the battle of the band competition. When Teddy and Spencer had got back together, Gabe joked that Spencer needed to try girls again. Or when Teddy's grandma learned about the details of her and Spencer's relationship, Linda Duncan told Teddy that she was Spencer's beard. Maybe Teddy was the only Duncan without a gaydar.

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