Chapter 1.

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Things at my house isn't so normal they are at other peoples. I have like no relationship with my mom, but yet I live with her. The reason why this is because my mom is a workaholic and won't stop working for anything. At my eight grade graduation, yeah mom didn't show up for that either. I honestly didn't expect her to either. She's abusive to me to, I won't do anything I'll just be sitting in my room and the door comes flying open and she grabs me by the foot and slams me on to the ground and will start beating me. Smacking, kicking, punching, etc. you get the idea. 

I have a better relationship with my father than anyone. Even though I don't get to see him as often I see him like every two to three months because he lives in San Diego and I'm all the way in Texas.

Texas sucks let me tell you that. Well, where I do it does, I live in Dallas and we don't get as much rain as we should so it's basically everything is brown and dead. I would die to go live my dad everything there is green and has life. The beach is so close to his house because well it's a beach house. He has four wheeler and an in ground pool, but don't even ask why he has a pool it's kinda stupid, because the ocean is in his backyard.

My dad is a sweet man he's a little older for his age though he's in his 70's and I'm only 16 and becoming a junior this year. Tomorrow is my last day of school here and then in going to San Diego to stay for the whole summer. I'm going to try my best this time to STAY in California. Because I hate being home alone all the time and abused. Plus, the sad thing is I have a dog and a cat that keep me company yeah, I don't have that many friends here no friends in California but hopefully that's going to end this year. I'm going to try to get my first job there.

My eyes fluttered open and I pushed my dark brown waves out of my face to behind my ears. Today's Sunday so in going to spend the majority of it packing since I'm leaving tomorrow night after school and mom's not driving me to the airport to say goodbye to me. Imagine that...

I went to my closet and put on some soffee shorts and a loose tee shirt that says 'Hello Paris' on it. My mom knocked on the door. My nose scrunched up in confusion because she's never home and never talks to me rarely.

"Hey Max get dressed tonight because Mark is taking us to a fancy restaurant."


"Since you're leaving tomorrow we want to say goodbye and at least spend some time together."

Now my nose is really scrunched up because she just said "Spend some time together.", and "Say goodbye." I think it's weird since she has never said those two lines to me and that they're in the same sentence.

Oh I forgot, Mark is my older brother he's 22 now and lives in a town close to us. There's also Tim. Tim is 25 and has a wife and kids. I love them so much. They've helped me a lot through stuff when mom isn't here or when she becomes Super Bitch. Yes, that's my nickname for her. Only reason why is because how she treats me. If I ever need anything she tells me to get it myself. It's like um no bitch you're my mother you're supposed to support me.

Dad on the other hand supports me. He gets me clothes, school supplies, he even offered me a CAR. money is no issue with my dad because he owns a big business well two if you want to count the farm there. Yes, I said a farm in San Diego don't worry, I was shocked to hear about that as well. I'm just glad my dad isn't a stuck up snob. SO GLAD.

I pulled some black suitcases out from underneath of the bed and walked over to the closet opening the white closet doors pulling clothes out folding them and setting them in the suitcase. I got a call from my dad. I tapped the green phone icon on the phone that answered it and put it up to me ear.

"Hey Max."

"Hey dad how are you?"

"I'm doing fine so are you excited for coming down?"

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