Chapter 4

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"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I freeze up. 'Girlfriend?! But we just met!!' The bell ring and I sigh in relief "C'mon we better head to class, it's my first day and I'm not getting late because of you."

"Feisty, I like that in a girl." 'bleh! I just wanna vomit.' We walk down the halls as we go our separate ways I take my first step into the art room.
"Welcome Mrs. Williams." Mr. Teacher dude said. I would've paid attention, but the art in the room is too magnificent to not stop and stare at it's beauty.

"Students this is the new girl I have told you about, this is Max Williams. Would you like to stand up and tell us a little about yourself?"


"Hi my name is Max Williams, I'm 16 and i have been drawing all my life. I lived in Dallas, Texas with my mom and then I started going here, I live with my dad who is owner of one of the largest companies, and that's basically it I'm a junior this year and I hope to get along with all of you."

Mr. Teacher dude smiles, "That's nice Max, welcome to our school, you can sit next to Eli and Kellin." I nod politely and go to my seat.

I look at the two people I now sit next to and look at them. "Hello, my name is Max. I hope we can be good friends." I look down flushed as Mr. Teacher dude instructs us on what we will be working on. The Black haired and icy blue eyed guy looked at me smiling.

"Yo, the name is Kellin Quinn." He smirks at me checking me out, I can feel my face heating up as the same with my ears.

Then the brown haired and leaf green eyed kid looked over with his beanie pulled low over his face and his glasses sort of crooked because of the shape of his nose. "A-And I'm Eli.... N-Nice to meet you...." He trailed off and looked away back down at his sheet that was covered in doodles. I look over at his paper curious at the drawings, "Those look very good." I smile softly. Soon Mr. Teacher Dude coughs getting our attention.

"Okay class, today we are working in groups to take photos of beautiful things. The people at your table are your partners, each group will be given one camera to catch the view, your assignment is due Monday morning." 'ugh Mondays... I hate Mondays...' I look over at Eli and sees a girl eyeing him 'Joy... I'm guessing Eli has a girlfriend... and she's in our group... this is gonna be a long assignment...'

~Eli's POV~

I looked down at my paper going back to doodling and blush when Max compliments them, "Th-Thank you, they're nothing great though, just doodles...." He thought back to the last person who had told him that and sighed sadly. He missed her. She had moved away last year after a traumatic incident in a car crash. He wished she were here now. Then he realized Melissa was staring at him with a dark scowl on her face as she got closer. "So who's your new tramp Eli? I bet she won't be better than I was for you. Hell I bet no girl will be." She let out a high pitched giggle with a bitchy smirk on her face as she walked away with her purse slung over one shoulder. I sigh and mutter, "I wish I had never made the mistake of dating her..... All she did was tear me down and use me to make some other guy jealous...."

~Max's POV~

"So who's your new tramp Eli?" she glares at me and I sigh 'great,  just,  great all i did was be nice and it turned out bad...' I look down as I sigh to myself I can feel her glare, god help me.

Eli looked at me again, "Don't worry about her.... She does that to any girl who comes within ten feet of me." He sighed and gave me an apologetic look. I look at him and start thinking 'Give her a reason to be pissed! Give her a reason to be pissed!' no... I can't go back to my past... not again... "Don't worry about it Eli I'm okay." I shrug it off like it didn't affect me.

Eli looked a bit worried, "Are you sure? You seem sad, or like you're remembering something that hurt you deeply..."

Kellin glances over "Eli bro.. Don't push it." He looks back at me and nods then goes back to drawing 'thanks Kellin, never knew a guy like you could care about a girl like me.'

Eli saw the way Kellin looked at her and knew he didn't have a chance, "You're right Kellin, sorry. And thanks for stopping me...." He looked back down at his paper then at the clock and started packing his things.

The bell rings 10 minutes later 'finally lunch...' I pack my things up and smile "I'll see you guys later." I walk off to my locker

Kellin and Eli wave their goodbyes "hey Eli? Same lunch table with the others right?" He looks at him smiling like he usually does. Eli grabbed his things and went to the cafeteria to get his lunch, "Huh? Oh, sure Kellin." He got in the line as Kellin went to the table when a group of guys from the senior class surround him and start pushing him around and calling him rude names. He growls and rises from the table "I see you guys are still here picking a fight? Remember what I did to your Alpha Pussy?" He glares at them with a raging fire in his eyes.

~Eli's POV~

I looked at Kellin with a kind of admiration in my eyes and wondered 'Why can't I stand up for myself the way Kellin stands up for me.... I wish I were more like him...' I then looked grabbed my lunch tray and trudged to the table still thinking about this almost ritualistic incident that had been going on since my freshman year. I looked up finally coming back to the here and now noticing Max walking in.

~Max's POV~

'Food... food... food... food, aw man i love food.' I smile to myself and get my food then stand there 'shit where am i gonna sit? I could sit with Eli.. he seems nice... wait no you can't stupid! You just met the guy!' i sigh 'ooh! I know!' I start walking when the next thing I know I get pushed on the ground and get covered in my food, I look up to see Melissa glaring down at me "watch where you're going tramp!" 'Don't fight... don't fight...' I look down as I hear people laughing, I feel tears forming as I run away 'damn it....!' I run as fast as my legs can carry me. "Max! Wait!" I hear them shouting out to me 'no no no no!' More of my tears form as they blur my sight a bit. I run up the stairs going faster and faster 'Don't see me! Don't look at me!' i finally made it to my destination, I look around and close the door behind me as I sigh relieved since I'm alone and i start to cry. "Why...? Why does this have to happen?!" I break down as i fall to my knees and cry.

"Hey... Are you okay?"





Whew! This one was long enough.... Poor Max... So who do you think it is? Eli? Kellin? Tyler? Ryan? What's going to happen next? Only time will tell when I'll post another one. Thank you for reading, tell me what you think. Like, star, vote and comment. I love you guys so much! Oh, before I go there's one person I would like to thank. Thank you MysteryFanboy1 for helping me write this chapter. I hope that we can write together again some time. I can't take all the credit of writing this chapter nor am I going to, you deserve the credit. Thank you so much!

I am...


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