Viktor Krum's sister (Sequel to Lily's Daughter)

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   Nicole P.O.V:

  Draco and I actually have a pretty decent conversation. I never thought it would be possible for me and Malfoy to talk, but then Draco says nine words that changed everything for me.

   “Nicole you’ve been basically unresponsive for nearly two years.”, Draco says.

   “H-how c-c-come?”, I stammer not fully believing what he’s saying.  Two years. That would mean I’m a third year now I guess. What ever happened to Chase? I have some memories of being in the insane ward, yet I thought only seconds passed. For me I was in there for two minutes. Minutes. Now I wake up too find it’s in fact been two years. I remember Chase occasionally visiting me, and Neville visited me too. My dad and Victor though hardly ever visited me; they only came to visit on my birthday.  I’m glad I came here. In all the years I’ve known him, Draco has never been so kind. I also found out he and I have one very important thing in common. We both love Green apples and despise Red apples.

   “You don’t remember do you Nicole?”, Draco asks his eyes full of sympathy. Who knew Draco could feel sympathy for anyone other than himself. Maybe I was too quick to judge him. A piece of my hair falls to my face.  Draco brushes it away and then says six words I never thought he would say let alone think! What is wrong with this?!?!Nothing.

   “Nicole your eyes really captivate me.”, Draco all but whispers. Then, he smiles a true smile. It’s not even a smirk! All of a sudden Draco’s mum otherwise known as Narcissa walks into the room. Shock is evident on her face.

   “Hello Mrs. Malfoy what a pleasure to see you.”, I say in the most genuine voice I can muster.

   “Oh Nicole dear it’s you. Well it’s so good to see you’re doing better. And don’t call me Mrs. Malfoy that was what I called my mother-in-law. I’d prefer it if you’d call me Narcissa or Cissy even mum would do! But, enough of that we still have to plan your and Draco’s wedding. It’s in four years, everything has to be perfect!”, Mrs. Malfoy-Err Cissy says in almost one breath. Wow that’s a lot of stuff. Wait the wedding is still on?!?!?

   Chase P.O.V:

  Nicole is gone. The nurse has contacted her father and brother. But, why would they even come? I’ve been here every single day that I’m not at school. And yet the only time her supposed ‘family’ visited was on her birthday! Nicole has the most remarkable green eyes. She has the perfect burgundy hair that she didn’t need a spell to make it perfect. In my eyes she is perfect. No girl could compete with her beauty. Her hair and eyes stand out immensely, but her great personality just radiates off of her. Yet, I Cygnus Chase Fawley Black fell for her. I fell for Nicole Lily Snape and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was simply as easy as breathing.

  And even if I could stop it I don’t think I would. The first time I met her I told her my middle name was my first name. Then the closer we grew the more I confined to my secrets. When I told her my name was Cygnus I begged her to not tell anyone. She simple shrugged and insisted on calling me Chase, because she found it easier to say. I was basically a mess when she went to that insane ward. And I realize I don’t think I’ll ever regret falling for Nicole. She doesn’t even have to feel the same. My feelings for her won’t waver; I don’t think they ever will.          

  I make my way to Grandma Longbottom’s house. I look for Neville and find him sitting down on his bed reading a herbology book. I go up to him and push his shoulder. He looks up in shock at the fact that I willingly came up to him in his room.

  “What d-do y-you want Chase?”, he stammers slightly. I almost smile at the fact that he actually gave me a decent response, but I refrain myself because I don’t want to smile until Nicole is found.

  “It’s Nicole.”, I say with barely any emotion in my voice. Neville immediately sits up.

  “Is she d-dead?”, Neville asks fear lacing his words.

  “I’m not quite sure..”, I start but am cut off by Neville.

  “What do you mean you’re not sure?”, he nearly yells.

  “I went to her room and she wasn’t there!”, I scream in frustration. Neville pales.

  “You don’t think that she was kidnapped, d-do you.”, Neville stumbles on the words.

   “I’m not sure.”, I say in a defeated voice with my head bowed. Tears streaming down my face silently.

   Severus P.O.V:

  That hospital contacted me. And Nicole my only daughter is missing. I apparate to Krum Manor where I know Victor is. I hesitantly use the knocker to knock on the door and my ex-wife Elladora Krum answers the door with a sneer on her face as soon as she sees me.

   “Where’s Victor?”, I ask with urgency in my voice.

   “Up in his room, now tell me what do you want with him.”, she all but snarls.

   “It’s about his sister.”, I start. She glares at me even more fiercely.

   “What about her?”, she growls. I nervously scratch the back of my neck. I wasn’t scared of most people, but her I am scared of. She can even perhaps make Voldemort want to run to his mum.

   “She’s out of St. Mungo’s.”, I say. She shrugs. That woman just shrugs!

   “Mum who is at the door?”, Victor questions his Bulgarian accent prominent.

   “Your father.”, she says coldly. Victor’s face pops out through the door. A grim expression on his face.

   “It’s Nicole. She’s no longer at St. Mungo’s.”, I say nervously. A smile breaks out onto his face. He rushes to his room grabs some things from his room and apparates with me to Snape Manor.   



Viktor Krum's sister (Sequel to Lily's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now