About a Boy

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Summary: After a hook up, Rory ended up pregnant with Jess' child. Only thing is, she never told him; that is until they accidentally cross paths 6 years later.

*A little angst and fluff*


Six years ago

Rory was rapping up the last few words of her article for the Times.

"And that's why you shouldn't put ointment on your unmentionables." She says aloud as she typed it out.

She smiled and happily closed her laptop satisfied with her work. She grabbed her stuff and waved at the few people that were left in the office.

Another successful day at her full time job. Who would've thought she'd make it this far? She had just published her tenth successful article, and tonight she decided to celebrate by herself. Ever since she broke up with Logan after graduation, she realized that she needed to grow up. He was dragging her down, and it made her forget her original intentions and motives.

She entered a nearby bar that she went to quite often. She plopped down at the bar and ordered a beer. The bartender gave her a smug yet judging face. "Weren't you here last week?" The woman asked.

Rory rolled her eyes. "Yes, I was." Rory was trying not to sound annoyed.

The woman chuckled under her breath. "Don't you think it's a little sad that you come here all the time alone?"

Rory made an agitated face; she could feel her cheeks heat up from anger. "Don't you think it's pretty sad that you work at a bar when you're 50 years old?"

A few chuckles could be heard from the few people who overheard her. The bartender scowled at her and walked away without a word. Rory sighed. "Who does she think she is talking to a paying customer like that?"

"A real bitchy person indeed." A familiar voice said.

She turned her head and gasped when she saw who it was. "Jess, when did you get back in town?!"

He made that signature grin. "Nice to see you too Gilmore." He took a seat beside her.

Rory blushed because of her rude manners. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm just shocked to see you especially here."

"Don't worry about it. I just moved back to Hartford a month ago. I meant to come and check up on you actually." He takes a sip of his beer.

Rory blushed. She couldn't believe he was thinking of her even though they haven't spoken since the night of the revenge kiss she gave him to get back at Logan.

"I guess it was fate to see you here then."

"I guess so."

They both gazed into each others eyes for a few seconds before looking away so it wouldn't get too awkward. "So how's life been treating you?" Rory asked, trying to start conversation.

"Actually, pretty good for once. I'm a successful author of three novels."

Rory smiled brightly. "You made more books? And you're just now telling me? How dare you!" Rory playfully hit him.

He chuckled lightly. "Yeah, maybe one day I can lend them to you."

"Definitely, I adored your first novel you gave me a few years ago. I reread it all the time. I still have it in my bookshelf."

Jess blushed lightly. "What about you? You doin' good?"

"Yeah, I work at the Times Magazine."

He made a full smile which was extremely rare for him. "Well, well, well, it looks like Rory Gilmore ended up accomplishing her dream after all." He had the bartender bring him two shots and he gave one to Rory. "To our accomplishments." He raises his shot glass.

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