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"Mom? Tell me the story again." I ask my mom as we are sitting on the couch packing my things.

"Sure thing honey" and she would start

"Back when even before you great great grandpapi was a child, the legend of the Bearings was followed, a child randomly picked by God will have a special symbol; a triangle on their left wrist. This shows the child is not normal, they are special.

To help these children they were sent to these training camps where they are helped with their "specialties". We call the people "infinite's". Before this camp infinite's were not treated well with "pure humans" they were treated poorly and pushed below hated in society.

Soon infinite's because angry and used their specialties to harm. Until a man of the name Justin Banker, a fellow infinite told them not to use their specialties for violence but for defense and peace.

Infinite's were sent to a camp for training in survival and mercy. They thrived there.

When I met your father I never knew he was an infinite, but I knew him as the man I fell in love with. When he told me I couldn't be anymore happy which that's when we knew we loved each other enough to have kids.

We had you and your dad saw something in you, something great , something mysterious, something INFINITE." She told me.

"Is that why everyone hates me?" I look down.

"No sweetie. It doesn't matter if hey hate you" she spoke while fixing my hair. "Don't dwell in the past thinking it will help your future. Being gay is no sin, if it was god wouldn't have made you this way." She kissed my forehead as we continued to watch spongebob and pack my stuff for infinite camp.

Yes I, Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich am infinite.

"Jonah? JOnaH? JONAH FUCKING MARAIS!!" Zach yelled as he slapped my face.

"Damn bro you good?" I yelled as I sat up in my seat on the bus taking us to infinite camp.

"All good in da hood ." Zach said as he threw up his hand into peace signs.

My best friend since before we were even planned to be born, Zach is also an infinite. We are on a bus to go to infinite camp which is like a boarding school for infinite's.

Before o tell you about infinite camp my director had to interrupt my thoughts.



"Don't call me mason"

"Then don't call me Jonah "

"I have the right to call you Jonah"

"I have the right to call you mason"

"Call me Mr. Harris" he said

"Call me master" I said

"CALL ME DADDY" Zach said. Ugh he's too gay to function.

"Ugh besides the point, I can call you Jonah"

"I can call YOU mason"

"No you can't"

"Why is that?"

"Because I'm you director"

"But I am your directiee" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm just going to stop." Mason said as he stomped away, I smiled knowing I won.

"He didn't call me daddy." Zach said looking down"I'll call you daddy Zach." This kid named Calvin said and sat in Zach's lap. "Nahhhhhh I'd rather have Voldemort call me daddy than you." Zach retorted and pushed Calvin off his lap who huffed and walked away.

But back to my thoughts.

Infinite camp is a camp for infinite's tocontrol their powers/specialties . Infinite's powers work with their personality. Like what you work well with.

Zach for example. Zach is feisty but beautiful. Not to mention hot, so his specialty is fire, or heat. My specialty is water the sky's. I'm a calm sarcastic person who just loves life.

Oh yeah and I'm gay.

After many more hits of this bus ride we arrive at the camp the sign says...

"Camp infinite safe place and home of our fellow family. Welcome"

That's nice. I thought.

We scan our tattoos or marks that instantly recognize us and print out key cards. We head to our dorms after a smallish tour.

Our dorm is a five bedroom suite. I'm sharing it with Zach ofc, and then these guys, Daniel, Jack, and Corbyn? Hmmm I wonder who they are.


I'm freaking out but I'm really excited to to meet them

This is going to be a hell of an adventure!


I've finished the first chapter and I hoped you like it! Feel free to commercial I love your comments and yup that's about all hope you enjoyed!!!


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