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Dis be Mason^^^

It's almost my 20th chapter! Thank you for reading and commenting and all that good kush❤️❤️
If you have a Snapchat or Instagram drop your username and I'll add you❤️
ONWARD TO CAMELOT (aka the story 😂)


I decided to stay at my own dorm for a little while, I've gotten used to Corbyn ignoring my existence. I understand why he's mad, I told him I liked him and then told him it was all lies, but he did help Westin cheat on me so he can't entirely call himself the victim. Right?

Speaking of Westin, it's pretty obvious that we broke up. He's become really bitchy and rude but he's not my problem anymore, my problem is Corbyn. He's been hanging out with this Mason dude, they share the same power and most core classes. I'm not a stalker, I just know.

Mason is totally not the person I thought Corbyn would run to if he had a problem. Mason has such a "bad boy" aura to him, he has blonde shaggy hair, a lip ring, piercing blue eyes, a sarcastic ass attitude, and, well, a nice face. I just don't know how they are becoming so close.

Now that I think about it, I've noticed he doesn't really talk to anyone besides Corbyn. "Hey guys, Mason is coming over. We have a project to work on." Corbyn came into the kitchen, grabbing a bunch of metal objects from the cabinets. Daniel stopped spinning on a bar stool and looked at me with a confused face I just shrugged and continued to drink my coffee. "Umm... Corbyn?" Daniel, who was now leaning on the counter next me asked.

"Yes?" Corbyn turned around from the cabinet.

"Is there a reason to why you are stealing our metal kitchen utensils?"

"Oh! Yeah I'm going to destroy them." He says causally as he turns to search for more. "I could maybe use plastic too." He mumbled.

"Whatever." Daniel sighs. "You're buying new ones though." Corbyn nodded happily and Daniel walked out of the kitchen, it was just me and Corbyn now.


"You can leave you know, I don't really think Mason likes you very much." Corbyn stated. "Well I live here so, there's not much he can do about it. I huffed and took a sip of my coffee.
(A/N: and that's the tea.🐸)

"He doesn't like the smell of coffee, if that's something to get you to leave." Corbyn grunted. I rolled my eyes, it's too early for this.

"Tell your "new best friend" Mason that I don't give a fuck."

"You apparently don't give a fuck about anyone." He said, irritation present in his voice.

"Neither do you! You know what, fuck you. I'll go upstairs, and you can tell Mason to fucking enjoy the coffee aroma." I huffed and left the kitchen. I'm done acting like a little kid.
I lay on my bed, bored, and decide to text Hallie.

To: Hallie🦁🍵

Are you busy?

From: Hallie🦁🍵

Yeah, I'm about to take an exam in about 5 minuets, I can pick you up after though. You down?

To: Hallie🦁🍵

Totally down, thanks I'll talk to you later.❤️😘

From: Hallie🦁🍵

Bye bitch ✌️🖕😘

I sigh and throw my phone somewhere beside me.

Ding dong

Mason is here. I groan and get out of bed to greet him.

"Hello Mason." I greet from the bottom of the stair case. "Hey Jonah." He drawled out with a sarcastic smirk. Ugh. I really don't like his smirk. Daniel, Jack, and Zach are having a normal conversation with Mason, but I'm kind of just standing there, on my phone, not really caring.

I decide that I don't really want to stay here so I grab Jack's keys and tell the boys I'm leaving. "Bye guys, I'm going to the beach." "Wait! Are those my keys?" Jack whined. "Why are you taking my car?"

"Because I like your car. I smiled at Jack who just huffed and started mumbling about his keys.

I arrive at the beach and the ocean smell immediately calms me. I sigh and took up my windows and start walking to the water.

I stop at the area where the water resides on the shore, I take in the salty smell of the ocean and absorb the feeling of my surroundings. It being a Monday afternoon and that this beach is closed off to anyone that is not an Infinite, it's pretty much empty.

I walk into the water till I'm knee deep, I love the comforting feeling of the water. The feeling took over my whole body as I bent down and felt the water. Water to me has its own mind, it's own personality. I feel the pressure of the water push against my hand, I release that feeling inside me I have when I use my powers. The water crawls up my left arm and creates a sleeve of water. I look at it and smile. I thrust my right arm at the water and it flies up and slowly as more water is added to it makes a large wall of water.


I take my focus off the water, causing it to collapse to check my phone.

From Headmaster to : Corbyn😕, Dani boi🤪😜, Noodles 🍝, Zachy poo 😍😊
(And Jonah ofc), xxx-xxx-xxxx, Hallie😇

I need all of you to come to my office immediately. I have big news for you.

(A/N: it obviously wasn't text messages, email maybe? Whatever you want.)

I get my stuff and run to Jack's car. I start it and test the speed limit on the way to the headmasters office building.
In the building I see Hallie standing there confused, I meet up with her and we go inside. We tell one of the workers that the headmaster called for us. She leads us to the elevator and presses a button. The elevator closes.

In this elevator Hallie spoke up, "Who the hell has a blue office door?" I shook my head and decided not to think about it too much when the elevator doors opened and we see a bright blue door at the end of the long hallway.

"What...the hell." Hallie looks at the door in shock.

I give the door a second look and look at Hallie as we start hesitantly waking down the hallway, with Hallie mumbling about our insane headmaster. "He's actually crazy, we have an insane man in charge of us." When I get to the door, I knock on it 3 times and Headmaster opens it, Jack, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, and Mason already in the room standing. "Jonah! Hallie! Please come in we have a lot to talk about!" He smiles a perfectly white-toothed smile.

"Would you like some candy, I just had Marge get a whole new batch." He beamed. We all shook our heads except Danni and Zach, who happily took the offer. Headmaster looks at us, "To bad you don't want any," He sits down in his chair with his bowl of candy. "It's quite delicious." Hallie looks at me with the 'this dude is crazy' look and I just smile.

"But enough playing." His face goes serious and everyone looks at him in attention. "I can sense a problem, and I believe you seven have something to do with it, especially," He points at Jack, Corbyn, Daniel, Zach, And me.

"You guys."


Sorry I haven't posted in like 2 days. My dad just came home to Texas today.

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