Chapter 12 - A Decitful Playdate

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A/N: Just in case you guys forgot, I said that Deceit's name was Jack before (just until we have a confirmed/canon name for him, I just want him to have a name). I would've said that this small author's note was a spoiler, but obviously, the chapter title gave it away, so you know what's going down. Anyways, Deceit is known as Jack, cool? Ok, we're cool.

Please know that I am placing a trigger warning before this chapter just in case. This chapter involves some dark and sad events, so be prepared. If you don't think this chapter is for you, you may skip it. I will provide exposition in an author's note next chapter. If you so decide to read, pleas enjoy, I worked very hard on this one.

There may also be some Winged/Protective!Virgil in this chapter... possibly... but you'll just have to wait and see. Thank you for following the story, and I will see you soon!

I'm currently sitting at the breakfast table, eating a bowl of (favourite cereal) cereal. I'm pretty bored, but also really excited since I'm going to the park with Xavier and Jason today! We decided that we'd hang out on Xavier's trampoline for a bit before going to the park since I've never seen a trampoline before.

The park is within view of our houses. I live across the street from Xavier and Jason, and the park is down the road from my house, and the walk takes about a minute, so Mr. Thomas said it was ok if we all went by ourselves. Xavier is a few days older than me, and Jason is a year older than both of us, so he's four. Our parents thought that we were big enough kids to go to the park by ourselves.

After I finish my cereal, I put my bowl in the sink, and run to the door to put my shoes on. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone, but the second I look over, I see nothing. Maybe it was the couch or something.

I suddenly hear the doorbell ring. Mr. Thomas walks downstairs and opens it for me. Xavier and Jason are standing there.

"Hi, sir! Is Y/N here?" I hear Xavier from the other side of the door.

I quickly stand up and run over to the open door. Hi! I'm ready to go! I say.

"Cool, let's go! Bye, Mr. Thomas! We'll bring Y/N back soon!" Jason says.

Bye, Mr. Thomas! See you soon! I'll be careful. I promise. I say before I leave.

"You had better be careful. Be back before dark!" Mr. Thomas yells after us.

"Come on, Y/N! Let's go play on the trampoline!" Xavier yells as we all run to his house.

Jack POV


Honestly, I can't remember the last time I told the truth about something. That whole performance with Y/N and the crying was my best so far. I know she's three, but come on! How is she that gullible? It doesn't matter. I have a plan to kidnap her. I just have to get the others to let their guards down.

My plan is going beautifully so far. Becoming a spider in the basement to scare little Y/N, and forcing her to be unable to speak was absolutely brilliant! My best idea yet! Now I just have to trap the other sides in their rooms, and render Thomas useless, and my plan will finally come to fruition!

But first, I couldn't pass up having a little fun with Y/N first. (Insert maniacal laughter and stereotypical bad guy nonsense here ;D)

It seems that Y/N has made some little friends. They could possibly get in my way. I'll have to get them out of my way as well. What to do, what to do?

I decide that maybe it would be best to just make them watch as I steal Y/N and render her caretakers useless. After all, they're both really young, much like Y/N. They probably won't be able to do anything even if they try. This plan is going better than I originally thought.

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