Author's Note

1.7K 35 1

Hello, everyone!

We just hit 1K reads on this story and I'm so happy! I never in a million years thought that my story would get this much attention!

I'm working on a new chapter as of right now that I hope will show my gratitude. I sincerely thank you all for following this story.

One quick thing I would like to say is that I didn't know about Talyn being non-binary. I didn't realise until after I published a chapter where I called them "Miss Talyn", and I have a bug on my Watt-pad account that doesn't let me go back and change that. The second I am able to change it I will, I'm sorry for not knowing earlier. I love all you guys, gals and non-binary pals, and all the support you've given me, so I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

I hope you enjoy the rest of my fan fiction! Thank you so much for your support, kind comments, and love!

Let me know if you would like to see a Q&A sometime, or something of that nature.

Love you all!

~Sam :D

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