Month Two

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My name is Alexander and I've lived here on this island for two months, strangely, it's Winter time and the sun still shines bright. I like to call this island not only home, but Elliana. Human name. It was actually my younger sister's name; her name was Elliana and it suited her well. I was sitting on a rock, book-bag loosely in hand. I had at least twelve sketchbooks I had brought with me on the plane, that I had divided evenly into 6 books for sketching, and 6 books for journaling. I wrote all about the island and it's tiny inhabitants, the hermit crabs. Those little cuties were the reasons I hadn't laid flat on my back in the sun and let the seagulls snatch up my skin in their stupid little beaks like minnows. I had always adored hermit crabs before, as I had two at my home in Duestchland, one was named Sheldon and the other was Crab Cakes. I loved them more than life itself, and seach time my mutter called me into the living room to view their movements I would be in there faster than anything. They were just so amazing and adorable, even though Crab Cakes pinched a hole in my skin that never really healed, they were still the I don't say that. I'm sorry.
Do I miss home? Nah. A little. I miss clean(er) clothes, food that didn't get sand in it magically, and my family. My Mutter, my father, my step mom, my  brothers and sister, but most importantly Sheldon and Crab Cakes. Sheldon had once dug through her substrate on the side of the tank so you could see her visibly inside her tiny hole-home. I do also miss my friends; especially Castiel, who was my best friend. God, I missed her so much. I start coughing, and my thoughts are cut off. I think too much.
I stand up, taking in the view around me; it was nice, but kinda sickening. I chose my place near the shore, but not too close because waves. Lots'o'waves. That's funny I'm funny. I walked along the pale sand, looking for my beloved "hermies". On cue, I spotted one, just as I had swung my bookbag over my shoulder. I went up to it cautiously, and lifted the white shell up a little. I revealed a white crab, ducking back into their shell. I took in their beauty, pencil in hand. I opened one of my sketchbooks up to a clear pagey and sketched their pretty white shell. It had beige gray dots on it, which reminded me of freckles. Cute. Freckles are cute. I turn my head to the side, hearing a bird in the distance, then switch from my akward bending over that hurt my back to sitting criss-crossed. The hermit crabs was in a open dead bush, so I just put myself a little lower than than my original perspective that I had started my sketching with. I had some colored pencils that desperately needed sharpening, so I colored it specifically and named him, like I do all my other friends. I had already used the name James twice. James was kinda big and had a peachy brown shell, while James Jr had a similiar shell, but he was much smaller and had a missing leg. James Jr was a badass; he fought off a seagull by pinching it's neck midair and landed safely, only missing his leg that the seagull had caught him by. Me and Momo were in horror as it all went down, but we later made a mini shrine for his badassery. (When I say we, I mean Momo wandered off with two other crabs while I built it myself).
I cracked my neck and my jaw, something I do often. I had decided on the name Cibby but it's pronounced Sibby. Maybe I'll change it to Kibby? Later. Can't think straight. Need me some food. I leave my bag and other supplies next to my spot near the bush, on the hunt for some belly peace offerings. DOPE fish. I found fish, but it was rotten so I just kinda grabbed it and brought it further on to the shore, knowing my fam would eat it later. Hermit crabs are natural scavengers, eating almost anything, which I think is super dope. I spot a coconut after three more minutes or so hunting the shore. I like coconuts. They're super fun to smash against rocks. Yawn. The sun was a little lowered in the sky, no where near a sunset. Soon though. I see a few more crabs while making my way downtown, walking fast, streets- um. I can never seem to focus. And that happens ALOT. Making my way towards my stuff , I sit back down and raise the coconut above my head, aiming for a flat rock in the sand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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