so like if some of you have noticed- I'm most likely never going to finish writing these books. I even deleted the app for a whole month.
I started these books in like early 2016
It's literally February 21, 2018 right now.
My ass is grown and I've grown out of my 80's phase.
I will admit- it was my favorite phase and the one I will always remember because it left me with some great knowledge.
I also met great people- people who have also grown out of this fandom, but nonetheless we adore this fandom- we just aren't apart of it.
We'll admire it from afar, but most likely won't contribute into it anymore.
So to all of you New 80's and 90's fan- welcome and goodbye.
I love you guys, I hope y'all understand.
And thank you for reading this book that had made me realize how much I adore writing.
Thanks for the success it also received- just know this book holds a special place in my heart.
Sincerely, fri.
bye guys.