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At first I didn't have any strength at all to fight off me abuser, but then I learned things to help make it stop, like stop crying out and make them feel like they aren't doing anything to you. I thought that would work with my mother, but it didn't, she just kept on beating me down, mentally, emotionally and physically and I all felt hopeless to stop her. One night however, I had gone down to the beach on this small island we call home and almost instantly felt better and calm, it was like the soothing air had whispered a lullaby into my mind that made me calm down easier than I ever had. 'Was this what it felt like riding the sea waves when the moon rises?'  I thought to myself feeling like all my worries had disappeared into the stars, it was like the earth knew how I had felt while getting torn apart and was trying to comfort me while also comforting itself. I can't believe that this abuse has been going on for a couple of years already and I'm still learning all I can about the sea, the curses in the sea and how to stop them, along with all the mystical beings that are in the sea, like the mermaids and the sirens, the Kraken too. All the creatures I read about are precious in the bottom of the ocean and sold for money where you can get it.

'Whenever I get the chance to meet a mermaid or a siren or the kraken I will do whatever it takes to help them with whatever they need though, that would mean I would have to become a cap'n first.' I think to meself dreamily in my five year old mind, wondering when I would get my chance to learn to be a pirate. I can already see it now though, twenty years from now I will be a cap'n running my own crew on a boat called Hades' Cursed Princess.

"Verity! Where are ye, ye little piece of horse shit!?" Called mother. "Oh no! What if she finds me here... she'll be so mad with me I probably won't be able to walk for a month!" I say to myself, running to where she is hoping I don't get beaten in public

 As I arrive to where she is all I can say as a meek reply is "I'm right here ma'am...." and hope beyond hope that she doesn't hit me while we are in the street. My luck seems to be high today, she doesn't hit me just nod her head to the direction of the hell I'm supposed to call home. I nod quickly in return however and almost run my way there but I walk steadily instead, to show her I do not fear her so much as to run to the place I call hell to get away from her. She follows slightly annoyed at the fact I didn't run and the reason I can tell she is annoyed is because her walk is different than her normal one and I have decided to call that walk her annoyed walk. As we reach the house I hear her growl at me to get to my bed room also known as the attic so I can get my rest before doing the chores like a normal woman should.

As I lay in my bed I manage to fall asleep and all I get from that sleep is a dream of me running away from this house with a guy looking almost like Jack Sparrow in it and down to my cove, which is hidden to everyone else but me and swimming into the water only to go deeper than I ever have, and start to run out of breath and yet before I black out I see the most gorgeous creature I have ever seen, then me eyes close and I'm awake in my bed laying there wondering if it was just a dream. I soon pass out again after that noticing by the light in the sky that its almost midnight.

After an almost good nights sleep, I get out of bed and start to do me daily chores, which includes cleaning the whole kitchen and living room. Along with the bath and bedroom leaving mine how it is because mother doesn't show it to anyone as all it is, is the attic and there's not much to see there, not much room either. I hear mom shouting from downstairs as I'm doing me chores hearing things like "Bloody Sparrow!" and "Why did it have to be his child!", why is she yelling these things and is that man she called Sparrow my father? I think to meself curiously and then I realize that this woman didn't want me anyway, so why was I still here? Why couldn't I make myself leave her to be free? I realize yet again that the answer was right in front of me, all my books about the sea are keeping me here because I want to learn more about it before I leave here on my own.

"Verity get ye ass here before I smack it with this wooden spoon!" I hear the woman shout for me and quickly run downstairs knowing that I'll more than likely get beat anyway. "Yes miss?" I answer meekly in her presence my voice coming out raspy as I don't speak often. She smacks me right after I answer and nod my head to every word that she's telling me, knowing that if she knows I blanked out after that smack she would just hit me again and probably give me a concussion.

"Yes miss," I reply looking her in the eyes as my head clears though I still heard every word she said, "I will do as all ye had asked me to miss." I answer, my head bowed in not real submission but close to it. She nods her head looking down at me and leaves out the door probably to find another man to screw around with. A tear slides down me grimy face and I wipe it away hoping by sunset that I'll be able to finish everything she had asked me to do. After a few hours I wipe me hand across me forehead and look outside to see the sun at high noon, and think that I should maybe get meself something to drink as my throat is parched however I hear a knock on the door and go to answer it, before I can do that though, it is busted open by someone whom I've never met along with three others behind him.

"Who are ye sir?" I ask me voice parched from not having a drink of water that I keep hidden which my eyes look almost desperately back and forth to. "I happen to be Cap'n Jack Sparrow, and who are you love? as, you're certainly not that one whore I messed around with the last five years who's supposed to live here." He answers almost drunkenly.

I gasp but quickly cover me mouth and turn around before replying, "N-no sir, she's not here at this moment but she will be at sunset, and my name is v-Verity sir, would you like to stay here and wait for her mister?" I ask him turning around but notice he is already shaking his head in denial, probably noticing the resemblance between him and I more than me and my mother. I sigh looking down, finally having hope that a saving grace had appeared to only have that hope vanish.

"Well sir if you do not wish to stay here the door is where you came in." I say showing the hidden sass that quickly disappears as soon as my mother enters. "Verity Sparrow! Was that sass I just heard from ye!?" She almost screeches at me. I go pale and quickly shake my head responding, "N-no miss, it came from outside the window." She nods her head at me and I give a silent sigh of relief before I hear a yell come from Jack "Sparrow! What do ye mean Sparrow!?" He yells questioningly. And all me mother responds with as she turns to look at him is, "Well Verity is yer child as well." before walking off dragging a man from whom Sparrow has brought with him into her room. I look at Jack with tears in my eyes ruining the khol I had put around them before running up to the attic and grabbing the bag I had hidden beneath my bed that has all my books about the seas and stars. And as I'm running downstairs I bump into Sparrow, however I quickly move around him before he gets a chance to say anything and I quickly move into the kitchen/entry way of the house, grab me not so anymore hidden stash of water and rush out the door and I had done all that while being nearly as quiet as a mouse.

I run quickly to my hiding place that no one but me has ever found, its a cove but hidden behind large rocks and huge trees and the only way in on land is the one I have blocked off and no how to find, the other entrance into this cove is by the water which the Sparrow seems to have found to hide his ship the black pearl. I quickly do as I did in my dream and the same thing happens, when I'm next awake however I find myself not at the cove but in a cave sparkling with gems and jewels and mermaids the one from the legends holding my bag that has everything in it, including my box of books. I back away feared of what they could do to me, when one comes closer and whispers a soft "We won't hurt you." I quickly still and stay where I am, She reaches out towards me and I flinch back, still scared of beings -humans or otherwise- touching me without a loud smack to go with it, They sigh and turn around leaving my bag with me. I reach toward it and just as I'm about to grab it, something comes flying out of the water making me flinch and curl into a ball. The creature reaches out towards me with one of its tentacles after looking in my direction and letting out a furious shriek that makes me have to cover me ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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