[3] Sleep - Undeserving of Sympathy

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Sleep [BoyxBoy]
Chapter Three
Jasper's POV

"Don't you breathe for me, undeserving of your sympathy, 'Cause there ain't no way that I'm sorry for what I did"

"So, you all set?" Tyler asked me smiling and I nodded, putting my binder into my backpack and looking up at him again. He seemed to be searching the classroom for somebody before shrugging and walking towards the door, me closely following behind him.

Don't ask me why I felt like I could trust Emma and Tyler, I just did. It was almost like as normal as breathing, except for the fact I never trusted anyone. Hell, the only reason I still wasn't talking was because I knew they were going to leave, or I was.

I might as well hold back the remainder of my emotions, or it'll just end up hurting more when the inevitable happens.

"Are you okay?" Tyler interrupted my thoughts, and I looked up quickly nodding.

He frowned, though shrugged. "It just seems like you're dealing with a pretty vexatious problem or something."

"Just thinking." I shrugged, and he cocked his head. "It seems like you act like that a lot," He finally stated lamely, and I looked at him with a frown tugging at my lips.

"I'm fine."

He bit his lip, but shrugged. "Alright..."

Suddenly Tyler was monkey jumped, and I stopped momentarily, surprised as I watched Emma hold onto him tightly, Tyler holding onto her legs so she wouldn't fall off.

"Hi!" She chirped happily, sliding off his back. 

"What was the point of that?" Tyler huffed, brushing out his clothes with a frown and Emma giggled. 

"I like seeing you caught off guard." She turned to me and linked her arm through mine, and did the same to Tyler.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to go to the park with you guys. Just got a call from my mom, and let's just say... She wasn't so pleased that I failed one of my tests." She guided us to the exit of the school and walked through, our arms still linked together. 

"That sucks," Tyler frowned, and I nodded slowly.

"I still have to ask my foster dads." I mumbled half-heartedly, glancing around curiously, wondering if I would see the car.

"Your foster dads?" Emma repeated looking confused, and I shrugged. 

"I was adopted." I swallowed uneasily and finally spotted the car, letting out a sigh of relief.

I thought... they had abandoned me for a second.

"So am I gonna pick you up, or shall I meet you there?" Tyler questioned, and I looked up at him for a second, before shrugging. "Meet you there."

"It's Alderway Park, the one just down the road." He directed, pointing to a street. I nodded and grinned. 

"See ya there."

I walked towards the car feeling really happy. I was actually about to meet up with a friend. An actual friend.

Yeah, we did just meet, but that didn't stop me from being happy. I only had three friends before. Two were dead now, and the other one I had lost contact with after moving through so many different adoption centers.

I swallowed and went up to the car to see Evan and Brandon talking in the car, both looking worried. I tapped on the window after a second, and they both jumped, Brandon looking up surprised before unlocking the door to the backseat.

Sleep [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now