Chapter 7

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Skye's P.O.V

We got back around mid-day. We all fell asleep for most of the train ride so we didn't need to go home.

We walked into the guild and everyone stared at us in shock.

"Here's you're kid Macao." I said "As promised, he's back within a week."

"You gave up already?" Wakaba asked, disappointed

"Not even!" Romeo said and ran to his dad, sounding like he just came back form a school field trip "It was so cool! Skye called the demons and they actually came! Then she told them to leave, and they DID!!"

"And Wendy suddenly grew C cups." Wakaba mocked, not believing Romeo

Wendy ran off and cried, feeling self conscious about her flat chest. Carla ran after her and Makarov came out with something in his hand. Suddenly our mission began projecting on the wall from the lacrima he brought out.

"I can't believe it." Macao said "You weren't lying when you said that you can control demons."

"Do you really think I'd let a bunch of kids and dragon slayers come if I thought it was dangerous?" I asked Macao, slightly offended

"Did you seriously complete a century quest without breaking so much as a single sweat and all you were thinking about was lunch?" Bisca and Alzack sweatdropped

"And what's with the shell Skye?" Max asked

"She also called Freed gay!" Romeo laughed

"Your saying you don't think he's gay for Lax-" I began to ask with a laugh before cutting my self off "How the hell did you know about that you little shit?! I said that in the bath!!"

"The vent." Laxus said in a bored tone "We heard everything you said."

Mira, Evergreen, and Wendy began to blush.

"All of you?" they asked and went pale, dying from embarrassment

Suddenly my stomach grumble, reminding me I hadn't had breakfast today either

"I want a sandwich." I said, more to my self than anything "And a beer." I added while sending the shell to the pocket dimension I keep my stuff

A couple minutes later Kinana handed me a sandwich and a beer

"Oh, thanks." I said with a smile and passed her some jewel I turned around to see Leo flirting with Lucy "Oh hey Leo." I said nonchalantly before my eyes shot wide "Wait! LEO?!"

I looked around for somewhere to place my food. When I didn't I placed my beer between my boobs and held my sandwich with my teeth. I walked up to Leo and slapped him hard across the face with tears pricking my eyes. His glasses flew across the room and the sound echoed through the building as a slightly raised and bright red hand print formed on his cheek.

I took the sandwich out of my mouth, holding it with my hand at this point "You fucking abandoned me you asshole!!" I yelled at him. I was so angry that tears fell from my eyes "I told you that you were the only one I trusted an you betrayed me! WHAT THE FUCK LEO?!"

He tried to place a hand on my shoulder to calm me down but I slapped it away with my free hand "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" I yelled and stormed out of the guild

I pulled the beer out of my boobs and downed it in one gulp, throwing it in a garbage bin as I passed it. I walked off with no idea where I was going as I finished my sandwich. I kept walking until I realized I was on a cliff and had nowhere left to go. I flopped onto my back and let out a loud, frustrated scream that caused a murder of crows to scatter from the tree they rested in.

Having no energy left to deal with my emotions I lazily brought my briefcase out of the pocket dimension, summoned Aries, and returned it.

I rested my head on Aries's lap and silently cried as she pet my head. She formed a wool bed underneath me and a wool blanket over me.

"Aries?" I said "We're still like family right?"

"Of course." she said softly

"Good." I said, feeling a little bit better "Please don't leave me. You guys are the only family I've got. I don't want to be alone again........never again."

I began to fall asleep as she continued to pet my head.

"Fairy Tail is kinda like my family too." I added groggily just before I fell asleep "I'm glad to have them back."

Loke's P.O.V

I tried running after her but ended up losing her. I sighed, hoping I could get the chance to explain.

Gajeel's P.O.V

I ran after her and Gray followed close behind. I sniffed the air and followed her scent when I couldn't see her anymore. We got to a cliff and found her sleeping in a bed of Aries's wool and dried tears staining her eyes. We quietly walked up to the two of them, careful not to wake her, and sat around her. After a while she began to toss and turn while scrunching her face. it was clear she was having a nightmare. Before we could even try to think of something to calm her down, Aries began to gently pet her head while holding her hand, rubbing circles on the back of it with her thumb. Skye instantly relaxed and a faint smile pulled at her lips. We just watched how peaceful she was for a while. We stayed with Skye and Aries the entire time. The sun set and the sky turned dark with scattered stars everywhere. We fell asleep besides Skye, watching the stars. Aries never left Skye's side once the entire time she was asleep.

(A/N: So what do you think so far? Is it good? Bad? Okay but needs work? Let me know what you think. I love hearing from you guys and appreciate your suggestions and constructive criticism. Thank you so much to all of my amazing readers for your support. Stay amazing and feel free to request things. I love all of you guys! Bye.)

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