fair day

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He brought me home but before I get out he leans over and kisses me and I mean of course I kissed back it was a gentle kiss I smiled and got out of the car and inside and my mom says "Why are you so smilie?" and I tell her "Because my prince just kissed me.." and she smiles "go up to bed kiddo" so I go upstairs and get ready for bed and then text Ryan
Me:Thank you..
Ryan🤪:You're welcome
Me:You don't know what i'm thanking you for
Ryan🤪:Um yes I do silly 😘
Me:What am I thanking you for then?
Ryan🤪:That kiss
Me:You're right
Ryan🤪:Get some rest cutie
Me:okay i'll see you tomorrow?
I go to sleep.
Ryan no..why? you can't do that...please don't..RYAN! You can't leave me not now..not ever..I love you please come back...
I woke up and that dream had me messed up I was scared I got up and got ready for the day it was hot. I had on a pair of shorts and a crop top. I straightened my hair and walked downstairs and my mom said "Good morning beautiful" and that's when I saw my best friend. I smiled at him and hugged my mom and asked "Where are we going?" and Ryan says "Somewhere fun" I tell him "okay" then i get my shoes on and walk outside to his car he lets me in and shuts the door then goes to his side and gets in then he kisses me and I kiss back and ask "What was that for?" and he says "I missed you and I wanted to kiss you again" so I say "alright. I missed you too" then we put on our seatbelts and we head to wherever we were going. A few minutes later I look out the window and I see we are at the fair I look at him and smiled we get out of the car and head to the entrance of the fair and pay to get in then get our hands stamped to ride the rides and we head to the boat ride and we get on and I look at Ryan and he gives me a smirk and I glare at him and he laughs we sit there  and the ride starts and I grab onto Ryan's arm and close my eyes and he wraps his arm around me and when the ride is over we go to another ride then we get some food and we take a picture and he posts it on his instagram.
me and my girl @itsyogurl.lily 💕 thanks for spending the day with me baby
I then post it
my boy Ryan❤️ thanks for spending the day with me b😘 @ryan.cole4
It started getting dark so we headed to the ferris wheel and waited in line and finally we got on and it was dark outside I always enjoyed the dark I was looking up at the sky and then I looked down and spotted Alexis and she was looking dead at us so I looked at Ryan and kissed him and he kissed back he then asked me "Lily will you be my girlfriend?" I told him "of course Ryan" and I looked back down and she looked mad she was down there til we got off and she came storming over to us. "Ryan what the hell was that?" she said and Ryan tells her "just showing my girl some love" and she says "we broke up two days ago why aren't you upset why are you over me?" and I say "I mean you were over him the day you broke up with him so I don't see why he isn't allowed to be over you and allowed to see other people." and she shakes her and with a laugh and says "Oh sweetie he can see other people just not a weirdo like you" and that's when Ryan starts talking again but with a stern voice "alright listen Alexis...that's enough you need to leave and leave us alone and don't talk about my girlfriend like that. she's not a weirdo. she's amazing and gorgeous and she's just interested in different things then you, you don't understand her and you never will so shut up" he grabs my hand and we walk to the entrance and go to his car and he tells me "i'm sorry" and I say "no it's alright it's not you're fault" then he asks "are you hungry?" and I tell him "just a little" and he says "okay we will go get some food" and I tell him "Ryan you don't have to keep spending money on me" and he says "But I want to..and I don't want you to be hungry" and I say "okay whatever." and says "okay" then we drive to the place him and I always go together and he even ordered my favorite so I ordered his favorite for him and he smiled and then I smiled when we got our food we talked for a bit then we ate after we ate we went to my house and went to the roof and sat to look at the stars like we did all the time Im glad he's mine

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