Electro Shocks

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-one long bath later-

"AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!! HAHAHA, OH FUCK!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!" Dice held his gut as he rolled around the floor laughing."

"I fucking hate you....." Growled Devil, laying on his couch as a big fluffy puff. Dice laughed harder and soon began to cough.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA -cough cough, wheeze- HAHAHAHAHAHA, YOU'RE SO FUCKING POOFY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA -cough cough, choke, wheeze-" Dice yelled as he wipe his tears from his eyes. Devil wagged his tail furiously.

"You will pay for this..."

"Heheheh, how~? Heheheh." With that, Devil pounces on Dice. Then suddenly....BZZZZ!! "OW!!!.... Did you just shock me?!" Dice said, a blush faintly spreading across his face. Devil stared of a bit before a slow and wide smile creeped it way onto his face.


"..... Don't you even dare...." Dice said grimly.

"Oh... I do dare~" With that, Devil gets off of Dice and just rubs his body against the floor. Note, the entire casino has carpet. Gulping, Dice runs away from Devil, who chases him still rubbing the floor. This went on for some time before Devil corners Dice. Dice can see the Sparks coming off of Devil, who loomed over him.

"DEVIL!!! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!!!" Yelled Dice, trying to move back. Devil chuckled evilly as he reached for Dice. Fear filled Dice's eyes as Devil's claw drew close to him belt buckle, which is metal. With the lightest touch, Devil electrocuted Dice. He literally lit up, screaming out. Devil laughed at his screams, until he heard moans. Devil stops and looks at the shaking man before him. His face was blushing red, panting hard and his eye glowed brightly.

"Ahh...-huff- n-no more...ahhh..." Begged Dice, clearly embarrassed.

"Um... Ok...." Devil said, blushing as well. "Kinky much, you bastard!? He...liked it???"

"Oh..-huff- and sir..."

"Hm?" With that, Dice pokes Devil, electrocuting him twice as much. The top of Devil's head set on fire cause of it.

"Ha...now we're even.."

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