Last full day in Chicago

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Hayes's Pov:

I was woken up by the sound of Alex's phone going off for her alarm. I grab her pills and my water and wake her up. She keeps her eyes closed but opens her mouth. I put the pills in and the water. I help tilt her head back and she swallows. Then we fell back asleep together.

2 Hours later....

 I am woken up by the sound of Matt making his dinosaur sound. The boys were making a vine. Carter says "I think there is a dinosaur in my bathroom?.." Then Matt comes out and throws a Gatorade bottle at the wall and does his dinosaur thing or whatever it was.

It wakes Alex up. She sits up and says "What the heck is that?"  I say "It's Matt, you should probably get ready. It's our last day here in Chicago." She smiles. I kiss her forehead and get up and walk to the bathroom.

Alex's Pov:

When I was woken up by Matt I was surprised. I decided to call my mom and see how she was doing.

Mom: Alex! How are you doing? When are you coming home?..

Me: Hello to you too mom and I am doing good. Iv'e had an amazing time here with the guys and Hayes. I would love to do it again. But you probably wouldn't let me. Were leaving tonight at midnight. We will arrive in North Carolina around maybe 2:00am. We will most likely stay in a hotel in North Carolina that night and then we will be home that morning.

Mom: Alright honey. As long as I know where you will be then I am fine with that.  Just let me know when you get into North Carolina. Also if the guys are planning on doing this again, your more then welcome to go. I know how much Hayes and your relationship means to each other.

Me: Thanks mom. Also can Breanna come down this week. I miss her and I want Hayes to meet her.

Mom: That is fine. I will get a hold of her mom and we will pay for her ticket. She can stay in the spare bed room right next to yours. But only for a couple of days. Not the whole week.

Me: Thanks mom. I gotta go Hayes is trying to talk to me. Love you can't wait to see you.

Mom: Love you too honey. Be careful. Also tell Hayes happy late birthday. We have a card for him at the house.

Me: Alright I will. See you soon.

I hung up the phone and text my best friend Breanna:

Hey girly! My mom is getting you a ticket to fly up to North Carolina for 3 days so we can hang out. I can't wait to see you girly. Sorry I missed you yesterday it was Hayes's birthday. Love you. See you soon.  Alex

A tear fell from my cheek because I missed my family and my girl. Hayes looks at me and sits on the bed and says "Babe what's wrong? Your crying.." I sniff and look up and say "I miss my family and Breanna." He comes over and wraps his arms around me. I cry into his shoulder. I didn't want to leave him.

Hayes's Pov:

I heard Alex talking on her phone with her mom. After she got off the phone she was upset. I saw a tear fall from her face but she wiped it away quickly. I hate seeing her cry. I hate seeing her not happy. I hate seeing her hurt like that.

Hopefully when I ask her to go on the next Magcon tour nothing bad will happen. I hold her in my arms trying to get her to stop crying.

Eventually she does. I tell her "Alex you should shower and get ready were leaving soon. Were gonna go shopping again before we leave tonight. Do you want to go shopping of stay here?" She says "What do you think I would want to do?" I smile and say "You kill me, but I know you want to go shopping."

She gets in the shower. I decided to go take one too. I grab my stuff and go to Nash's room. They weren't in there. I take a shower in there instead.

Alex's Pov:

I was so happy we were going shopping. After my shower I was so exhausted I didn't want to put clothes on but I did. I grab my tight fitted teal crop top, floral shorts, my flat sandals with a white bow, and my pink colored pearl necklace. The shirt showed my belly. I grab my little bag where I put my jewelry. I grab my necklace and put that on.

Then I grab my pearls for my earrings. Then I put my ring on. Then I grab my teal colored anchor belly button ring. I change it and it was cute.

Hayes's Pov:

After my shower I got out and changed into my Cameron Dallas hoodie, and some khaki skinny jeans. I run the towel through my hair and grab my black and red snap back. I put my grey vans on. I spray cologne and all that. I walk into my room and see Alex looking fucking sexy as hell. She was changing her belly button ring.

I walk over to her and lean up against the door. She lifts her head up real quick and smiles. Then she goes back to cleaning her belly button. She is funny.

I wrap my arms around her hips. Her skin was warm. Her top showed her amazing hip bones. I connect my hands and inter lock them right under her belly button. I set my chin on her shoulder blade. She smiles and grabs the hair dryer. She says "Hayes I got to blow dry my hair and yours needs done too. Come here."

I let her turn around and sit down on the toilet. I bend over and she starts to run her hands through my hair blow drying it.

After she was done I brush my hair and fix it. I grab my snap back and put it on. She smiles. Then she starts to blow dry her hair.

I grab the hair dryer from her hands. I start to blow dry her hair for her. Then Nash comes in and takes my phone and snaps a picture of me. He post it on Twitter says "Awe Hayes blow drying his girlfriend's hair. True Love! I smile at the picture and send it to Alex.

After I was done with her hair she brushes it. Then she finishes getting ready.

I asked her to let her natural hair flow today and she did. It was wavy and shiny which I love.

This was our last day together without our parents around. I hated that part but I have to learn.

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