The Test

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Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

Author's note: This takes place in a sort of alternate reality and in the future. There are no separate regions, just one big one where any Pokémon can be found in said region. Also, in this world young trainers are assigned a starter, that way there would be no arguments over who got which Pokémon. The trainers are allowed to trade Pokémon if they wish, but it's not recommend because each trainer takes a test to find which starter would be best for them. Also, there are last names of some of the characters that I don't know. This takes place in the Anime.


Tanya Snow sat in the classroom taking her quiz.
The quiz had questions about your personality, and opinions.

How do you react to battle challenges? Do you:
A. Politely decline
B. Run away
C. Accept the challenge
D. Initiate the challenge yourself
E. Depends on the situation

Tanya chewed on her eraser in thought.
Finally, she colored in the bubble for E.
"Onto the next question.", she thought.

What's your favorite thing to do?
A. Curl up with a book
B. Style people's and pokemon's hair
C. Play video games
D. Watch Pokémon battles
E. Paint or draw

"I think I will choose A.", Tanya mused.

Next was the last question.

How do you feel about hugs?

That was a tough one.
Her house only had one pokemon in it since her mom had a phobia of touching pokemon.
The only reason she could touch Snowy was because she raised it from an egg.
So, Tanya wasn't sure how she really felt about hugging a pokemon.
Snowy was only really close to her mom, so she didn't really like other people touching her.
And Tanya was home schooled, so she didn't get many chances to go outside and interact with pokemon herself.
She was only at the public school now because the school was the meeting place to take your test. After a couple hours after you took your test and it was evaluated, you were notified to come back to the school and get your pokemon assigned to you.

"I don't know how I would feel about hugging a pokemon. I guess I'll just tell them the truth.", she thought to herself.
She filled in her answer, explaining her mom's condition and turned the paper into the front desk. Then, she walked into the hallway to meet with her identical twin sister, Tammy.
Tanya walked out into the hallway where she saw her sister leaning against some lockers.
"Hey count Dorkula.", said Tammy with a mean smirk.

Even though they were twins, some would say they were completely different, inside and out.
Where Tanya was quite, and followed the crowd, Tammy was rebellious, and didn't care what anyone else thought of her.
Where Tanya had long fire red hair that went almost to her butt, Tammy's was cut all the way to her chin and styled in a punk like look.
Where Tanya wore colorful clothes, Tammy wore clothes that some said were as black as her soul.
Where Tanya had huge bulky glasses that were a little too big for her, Tammy wore none, and often thought about getting an eye brow piercing when she was old enough.
And, even though they were extremely wealthy, Tanya was self conscious about how much money her mom spent on her, while Tammy constantly bought anything she wanted.

Tanya scowled at her sister.

Ignoring the look, Tammy went on.

"Mom wants us to come straight home to pack our things. She says she has something for both of us.", said Tammy.

Then, she strode out the doors of the school where there was a limo waiting to pick them up.
Their butler and his son stood waiting for them.
Tammy shoved past Vincent Barlemew, Fred, their butler's son.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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