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"Tae... we're going to see someone today. Okay? We have to get changed right?" Taehyung stared at the wall dumbly not responding to any of his words. He does respond though. Just a nod or a shake of the head but only rarely.. The ravenette sighed as he slowly started removing his clothes. But then again he stopped, seeing Taehyung's reaction. It had been a whole week.

A whole week since him or the latter had gone to college. He was at the dorms taking care of the brunette tending to every single need of his. It was like that until Jin rushed him to go consult a therapist since Taehyung wasn't responding in any way whatsoever. Yoongi hadn't met up with them ever since that day.

 Jungkook tried every single trick, every single turn but all he got in return was silence. Taehyung's parents were informed but only his mother visited the boy, her eyes flooding with tears and his father was a  drunkard who didn't bother to bat an eye. 

"Please help him..please" That was all Mrs Kim could keep on weeping to Jungkook at that time, knowing that he was the closest with Taehyung. They had send the boy to college in big dreams and it couldnt just shatter down to this. Not when it's was all coming to an end.

"Tae you have to get changed...comeon let me help you.." He had struggled with this over a thousand times. No matter how much he tries the brunette refuses to open up to him . Even though he leaves the brunette to dress up he knows that in the end he has to step in because once Taehyung is left alone....he is in a whole new world. And he stays still..for minutes or even hours..

"Don't move.." He knows it's uncomfortable for the brunette and he himself knows it's wrong to force dress him up. But he was left with no choice. He had to hold the boy tight in place as he gently removed his  turtle neck tee. He quickly put on a grey hoodie and looked down to see that he had changed into the black jeans he had handed over to him.  He could also see the male shivering in his grasp but he had no choice but to do it.

"Let's go okay..? You'll be fine.." he gently tapped the boy's cheeks only to see that he was slipping away from his touch. And once again his eyes watered up seeing it. 

"Let's go..."


Jungkook's POV

"Kim Taehyung" i heard the receptionist call his name and i stood up from my seat  grabbing Taehyung's hand in mine. She gestured us to enter inside the room  . I have to make my Taehyung okay..i want to see him smile again...

"Take a seat.." The therapist gestured towards the chair and i sat down with Taehyung beside me. I gently grabbed his hand and looked at him. He was looking straight at the wall..again..lost in thoughts. It hurt me to see him like that...i want him back...

"So tell me about the patient.."

"Name...Kim Taehyung.  18 years old..we live at the same dorm.. final year. " I told him everything. He examined Taehyung's dull face and i could tell he had a confused look..

"So what happened? Do you seem to recall if he had any trauma?? Any childhood problems? Or any incident that changed him recently?" How could i answer him...that even though those bullies had attacked him,   most of it was still just my fault..

"He was some bullies.." My throat went sore as i said it. I had confessed my own crime indirectly...I couldn't seem to say anything without my voice cracking...

"I see...what are the behavioural changes that he exhibit...?" 

"H-He be touched or my friends. He eats less. He never talks..he doesn't respond to anything i say, or do for him. Sometimes..he tries to harm himself..and he stares blankly at nothing..." As i said those lines..i finally burst out into tears. I froze seeing tiny droplets fall towards my lap. I feel like i hate myself..He never deserved this..none of this..

"P-Please help him..." I looked at the therapist with pleading eyes and then turned towards my love..he was still frozen..

He shifted closer towards him and asked a few questions to which he gave no reply again. He sighed and sat back on his chair and looked at me with determination.

"He seems to be suffering from a mental can be a part of his prolonged depression that he had been keeping  from you. Please stay strong. We can figure out a way for this.."

I nodded and wiped away my tears. I saw him scribbling down the names of some medicines..but i was lost in thoughts as i stared back at my Tae.. he looked so precious..i had to fix him..

Now that i had promised myself.

"Meds are just in case he experiences any sort of anxiety issues. Just to calm down his body and mind. But the real treatment should be from one's mind. You must be gentle with him. Care for him. Never raise your voice against him...and try to keep him happy and away from those thoughts. If he still doesn't show any change..then you can visit me again. It will be good if you come for a monthly checkup. And one more thing. Stay with him. Never leave his side." I sighed as he finished. I will do whatever i can to bring him back matter how hard i need to try. 

I will make you happy Tae...i promise

(A/N) : sowwy for the wait i had to keep up with my exams :(  ill probably be a lil busy this week ig . Anyways dont forget to leave me some comments~~ 😘

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