Come to my Rescue

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"Dakota! Open the damned door! " he demanded, banging the almost breaking door.

"Go away! Leave me be! " I screamed at him. " You don't love me! You're just like him.... You used me! I was your toy! Get away from me! " I let out through tears. "You're all the same......" I finished.

"Dakota, move" he ordered behind the door.

"What...? " That was when I realised he had actually listened to me rant. The ferocious banging had stop. He had heard me cry in my bedroom. And as long as I knew him, even though he'd hurt me, he never wants to see me cry.

"Dakota, move" he said calmer than before but stern.

I knew better. I knew what he was about to do. He was always like that. Violence was always his answer. I was about to get up to stop him when the door came crashing down.

I sighed.

"Do you always have to do this? " I said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't if you opened the door in the first place" he replied, cocking his head to the side.

Somehow, even in his violence, I find comfort. Ironic.

"Leave me alone, J" I muttered as I sat down on my bed.

"That's not possible. Ask me to do something else" he answered.

I brought my knees up to my chin as I leaned back on the wall, burying my face in my hands. I let out a soft whimper, feeling the tears stream down my face.

"Why'd you lie to me J? I thought you were different...."

"Dakota, it's not as easy as you think. I

"What J? What is it about? What is it that you can't tell me!" I burst.

"I can't tell you D... "

"I thought so" shaking my head as I stand up. Looking at the mess he made on the floor, my mum would kill me in no less than 3 seconds the moment she sees it. Thank God she's out somewhere with who knows who. My younger brothers are staying over at their friends place and I was alone.

"Fix my door and leave" I demanded, turning back to him. He sighed, standing up, leaving to get a new door in the nearby furniture shop down the street. I heard his footsteps down the wooden steps and wait for the click of the front door. The moment he's out, I burst into tears, sliding down the wall next to my room door. 

"I wish my life was easier. I wish daddy was here" I mourned. But would it all be different? If you asked me 3 months ago if my life was together I would say yes. But never did I knew that it was about to change....

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