A Hunka Hunka BurningGreymon!

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The gang caught up to Amaya when she stopped and started setting up camp for the night. She was not thrilled to see any of them and stayed as far away from them as possible which meant she slept on the edge of the small clearing she had found. The next morning they were all seated in a semi-circle with Amaya leaning on the back of a tree while Kouji was leaned up against the opposite side.

Bokomon and Neemon were side by side as were Takuya and Tommy who were on Neemon's left and J.P. and Zoe who were on Bokomon's right. Amaya was paying them as little attention as possible, but it was hardtop do, due to their constant chattering over what they should do.

“Well the next time I see that guy I'll get your spirit back even if I have to do it by myself!” J.P. stated loudly in response to Zoe who looked about as down and out as anyone could get.

“Why would you want to do something like that?” Neemon questioned J.P. as he bounced a small green digimon up and down in his palm.

“Based on your last encounter I don't think that would be wise.” Bokomon informed J.P. as he stood up only to be knocked back down again by J.P. who was being a bit jerk-ish.

“So what!? It sure beats sitting around here doing nothing. She needs my help!” J.P. snapped in anger at Bokomon.

“You have a one track mind buddy. We can't just run out and fight. We have to get to forest terminal.” Takuya told J.P. rather calmly as he stood up.

“So what!? Then we just let him win. I can't sit back and let Grumblemon run around with Zoe's spirit!” J.P. snapped thinking he was defending Zoe who had gotten her spirit taken from her when she had protected Tommy the day before.

“It's ok J.P.” Zoe told J.P. trying to stop the arguing even though she still felt down.

“No, it's really not ok Zoe. The spirit of the wind is yours and you were destined to find it, so we're gonna get it back for you.” J.P. told Zoe sweetly which made Amaya roll her eyes.

“If you wanna kill yourself then you just go right ahead.” Amaya stated her opinion aloud while keeping her focus on the forest.

“Nice sentiment, but we have more important things to do then fight a battle we can't win.” Kouji told J.P. in agitation which only pissed J.P. off again.

“What's your problem Kouji!? Amaya!? You'd both be going crazy if it was your spirit that was stolen, but hey I understand if you're afraid even the great Kouji has no chance against Grumblemon.” J.P. stated rather idiotically while riling Kouji up.

“What!?” Kouji snapped as he took more of a fighting position than his previous laid back position.

“Who cares if you have your beast spirit you can't even control it and let's not forget miss I'm too good for this group, honestly the only thing she seems to care about is bending over backwards just to please you.” J.P. bit out at Kouji which made Amaya push away from the tree.

“Hey stop it!” Tommy shouted while running up in front of Kouji and holding his hands up as if that alone would stop them from going at it.

“Knock it off J.P.” Takuya yelled as he too got in between J.P. and Kouji.

“I guess I'm the only one that wants to help Zoe!” J.P. snapped as Amaya walked dead center of the camp and picked up her bag.

“Where do you get off helping Zoe by calling Amaya a lap dog!?” Kouji snapped rather harshly at J.P. and for a moment everyone thought he was going to go through Takuya.

“Kouji forget it, if I bother J.P. so much then I'll just leave. See you guys in the next life.” Amaya called out carelessly as she walked out of the camp and into the woods with a wave of the hand as a farewell.

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