* hey guys sry for the long wait, I kinda forgot about wattpad cx /).(\ but imma try and do another chapter*
"Are we ready to leave yet?! Good lord you lads take forever! Come on! Come on! In going to die of boredom!" I yell. We've been sitting at nando's for about two hours because James and Liam decided that they want to take their sweet precious time eating. Losers.
"Ok ok I'm done eating gosh! How bout you James?" Liam asks
"Um duhhh" James replies with a mouth full of food.
" eww James! I thought gay guys were suppose to have good manners?!" Alysta shouts at James
"Don't tell me how to live my life woman!" James says and flips Alysta off with a smile,
"Wait, you're gay?" Louis asks James and smiles hugely
"Uhm Yaaaahh.... Does that bother you?" James replies while his cheeks start turning red
"Oh not at all! I think it's cool! well not cool like cold cus cold is bad but cool like yay! I mean not yay in a bad way or anyth-" Louis says but zayn cuts him off
"Sorry have to cut in before Louis here embarrasses himself more than he already has, We don't mind at all, considering two two of us are gay and one is bi" zayn says and looks at a red faced Louis.
"I'm gay!" I shout and everyone looks at me surprised. "What? gay means happy! get educated stupid heads!"
"Did she just call us stupid heads?" Niall asks
"Yah she was dropped on her head quite a few times when she was a baby" josh answers
"You're rude and that's why you can't have any cookies anymore!" I tell josh trying to keep a mad face going
"Nooooooo! I'm sorry! I wasn't talking about you! I was talking about alysta! yah cus her head is deformed" josh cries
"Hey watch it buddy!" Alysta says with a smirk and josh just sticks his tongue out at her.
"ANYWAYS can we finally leave guys?! I've been itching to have a party!" zayn says
" A party? I thought we were just hanging out?" James asks
"Yah yah yah same thing, me and you can hang out a lot more later thou" Louis says wilst winking at James. Who blushes tremendously
"Awwww" Alysta and I coo
"Alright enough of your cuteness, lets go to the flat!" Harry says and he seems a little agitated. I wonder why
"Alright! off we go!" Niall says and walks out the door with everyone following
"He's so cute" liam says "he's like a little penguin"
"I was thinking more of a leprechaun, yuh know cus he's irish." Louis inquires
"A cute leprechaun" I say as we leave nandos
" Alright so we will follow you guys to your flat?" josh asks
"Yah we will meet up than!" Liam answers
Let's see if I can get back into it yah?