Chapter 2

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The next day

Since this was my day off Nathan was coming over with the contract that both of us needed to sign. He said he was going to handle everything so I could have a relaxing day.

You would think relaxing would be easy, but it wasn't. I was worried about repeating the cycle when David was around. I managed to relax for a few hours last night. I'm sure you are probably wondering how I did that. Well I slept with one of my employees!

Dad is going to have my head if he ever finds out.

I felt movement beside me.

Great! He stayed the whole night!

I decied to pretend to stay asleep and hoped that maybe he would just leave on his own, but that didn't work.

It wasn't long before I heard my bed partner.


"Shhhh, I'm sleeping."

"I guess that must be my cue to leave huh?" he asked with a chuckle.

I turned around to face him. I decided to use the well worn line that I have used on any of the employees I have slept with in the past. "Sorry caught me in a moment of weakness. I was having a rough day and I needed to relieve my stress in a heathly way."

"And I just happened to be the poor lucky ole soul you used to find some kind of healthy relief with huh?"


"No need to apologize. I'm not going to complain when a beautiful woman such as yourself propositions me for sex. In fact you can call on me to help you with your stress any time you want," he said and he gave me a wink as he got out of the bed and started to get dressed.

Dylan's body took my breath away, he had six pack abs and was very musulcur and tall. I didn't know his age and it was then I realized he looked pretty young.

"Um...Dylan you are over 18 right?"

"Worried I might be under age?" he asked as he gave me his casual once over

I nodded.

"No need to get all stressed, unless you want me to stay and help relieve more stress," he said with a wink. "Everything is cool...I'm 20 so you can relax!"

"Thank God!"

He chuckled.

Once he was dressed he leaned over the bed and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead and issued his reminder "If you ever need to relieve your stress in a heathly way again you know where to find me." He gave me another wink and a knowing smile before leaving my bedroom. "I'll show myself out," he said, casting a parting glance over his shoulder before heading down the hallway. A few minutes later I heard my front door open and close.

I decided to take a shower and get dressed because I knew Nathan would probably be here soon.

Once I showered and got dressed in a pair of lounge pants with a navy shirt I walked into the kitchen, filled the coffeemaker and plugged it in and got something to eat.

I got some strawberries and blueberries from the fridge and also grabbed a yogurt and took a box of granola from the cupboard.

I put a tablespoon of yogurt in the bottom of a bowl then added the strawberries and the blueberries and then I added more yogurt and topped it with some granola.

Just as I was about to pour myself a cup of coffee there was a knock on the door. I went to see who it was and found Nathan standing there dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

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