Chapter 2

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"Billy, what were you an daddy yelling about?"

"UMMMM... well about that. What would you say if I told you that we were moving?"

"Moving? Why would you say that? What is going on?"


I also decided to text that in our massive sibling group chat. I knew that some of the younger family members such as Drew and Luke would never get my text because dad still hasn't given them a phone. 

Luckily my brothers are total nerds, so they responded automatically to my text message. I was also greeted by a loud thunderous noise that I could only assume was my brothers running down the stairs. 

"I am glad that you have all agreed to meet with you today."

"Billy, we did not agree to meet with you, you forced us up here."

"Kian, I did not force you here, you decided that whatever I had to say was worth listening to. So please listen to me!"

"Yeah, Kian!"


"Guys come on, what I have to say is serious.... Dad told me that we are moving!!"

"WHAT?" They all said in unison. 

"Yeah, dad wants us to move to Boring, Oregon. That is where he and mom met. He also wanted me to tell you all that we are not only moving, but we are also moving this week."

"What the hell? Is there some way that we can stop him?"

"I don't think that there is any way that we can change his mind. He was pretty set on his decision."

"F**K. I do not want to move in the middle of senior year. Do you think that he knows that this will destroy any chances of me going to a decent college?"

"I am so sorry Charlie, but I think that dad just wants to get out of the city."

"Well look here. All of my children are in one room, this is so exciting."

When my dad walked into the room he looked super distressed, he looked run down. His sweatpants had holes, and his shirt had stains. 

"Dad, do you hate all of us? Why are you moving us in the middle of the first semester? Do you know how hard this is going to be for us? It won't be hard for Luke or Drew because they are still in elementary school. I am in Senior year, so there is no way that this is going to work..."

"Look, Charlie, I am so sorry, but this is the way that it is going to be. We are moving to where your mother and I grew up, Boring Oregon."

"DAD!!! The place is literally called Boring."

"BILLY! End of discussion. We are moving, so please start packing what you want to bring. Also, just so you all know, your mother designed the house that we are moving to, so we aren't bringing the furniture. SO please, everyone, start organizing, the boxes will be here in a couple of hours."

My siblings and I have an unspoken code: we support each other through it all, if someone tries to hurt one of us we will all stick up for them, and lastly, if we believe that what our dad is doing is wrong, then we will find a way to stop him. 

Once our dad left my room, Charlie called our siblings meeting to order.

"Okay, everyone, so we know that dad's idea is horrible, but my question is how do we stop him? He is dead set on us moving to Boring, Oregon. Can anyone think of a way to stop him."

"Even though I was originally opposed to us moving, I think that it might actually be a good thing for us."

"Billy what are you talking about?"

At this time Charlie was sitting on my bed, while the rest of my brothers were sitting on my floor and my bean bag chairs. I looked around my room and saw that the only thing that I would actually miss is my mom. This was the house that I grew up in, so some of my furniture, such as my bed, constantly reminded me of my mom. 

When I was younger I was scared of the dark, so my mom would lay in bed with me and hold my hand until I fell asleep. I can still remember the grooves of her hand and her rough hands. 

"I want to restart. None of us have been ourselves since mom died two years ago. I was a fun person before and now people are scared that I will break if they talk to me. I am done. I want to be normal."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2018 ⏰

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