Chapter 2 Things Can change

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Soarin Walked out of his room and looked down the Hallways seeing if any pony else was out and about
Weird... he thought 
Wait... it's Hearts-and-Hooves  Eve. He said to himself
Ponies are probably out on dates by now... he sighed
Then he trotted to the left corner and turned left then he turned right to go to the Main Building
Then he saw Fleetfoot and Spitfire coming his way
Hey Clipper.  Spitfire said
Hey,  Spitfire. He said
"wanna join us in doing the Prank again?  Ruining Others Dates like we usually do and that is our tradition" Fleetfoot  said
Um... don't you think we are getting a bit well... Old... to be doing Foal stuff. Soarin said
Um... if you put it that way... then yes... I guess we are getting old... we are 20 years old. Spitfire stated  rubbing her Chin
Let's go watch movies together? All three of us.  Fleetfoot said
No... what if one of us Has a Date? Soarin said
Like the three of us would have dates. Spitfire rolled her eyes
Okay Soarin just ask Spitfire out... I mean how hard could it be... but it's even harder if Fleetfoot  is here... he thought
I have a date. Soarin said
Yeah like who?  Fleetfoot  stated
Well... I'm a boy... and you two are girls... and... Soarin Gulped
Are you gonna ask me out on a date?  Spitfire raised her eyebrows
Well... Um... He looked around Helplessly
Soarin, it's fine. Fleetfoot  stated
It's not like I have a Crush on you. Fleetfoot  rolled her eyes
Soarin gulped
Spitfire... w-will you be my very special some pony. Soarin stammered
Spitfire looked at Soarin
Clipper... Um... I don't know what to say... Spitfire  stated
Well you could always say yes. Fleetfoot  stated
Um... I'll think about... it. Spitfire said
Oh okay... he said
Was that too early? He thought
Bwhhaha!  Fleetfoot  laughed
Spitfire walked away
Come on Fleetfoot. She said
That's pretty funny. Golden boy. Fleetfoot followed her friend
Oh... I am scarred for life... I know the rules... A Wonderbolt can not Ask a Wonderbolt  out on Wonderbolt Head quarters property. He walked away
She'll think so it could be positive. He told himself
he  went into the Work Out Gym
He flew around the Gym 300 times  without stopping
Letting out some Steam
Spitfire, you always wanted this since the day You told me you had feelings for him. Fleetfoot said
I know but it was just so sudden I mean I would say yes,  but what will become of this Threesome group?  If one of us dates each other, and then one surely will be a Third wheel... Spitfire stated
I know I agree. Fleetfoot  silently said
Well,  we could still be friends. Fleetfoot  stated
Yeah,  but it just feels weird having you as a Third wheel.
I know its weird... but remember  our promise? We would always stick together no matter what, even through the hardest times of our life and The Easiest times of our life, we are always there for each other.
Yeah, but that was what 10 Years ago... when we were 10 Years Old.
I know, but a Promise  is a Promise  it can not be unbroken, unless you break it, and we haven't broken it.
"I just... I'm not ready to start a new chapter... my life is pretty much Awesome and I have everything in my life I have you,  And I have the things I dream of." Spitfire looked out her office window
"But, Spitfire what you don't have is A Family of your own... I'm pretty sure you want a Child right? Cause you Told me over millions of times that you want to have a Family and Have children."
"Yeah, that was  13 years ago,  When I was 7 I wasn't really thinking"
"Yeah, but deep inside you really want to say yes." Fleetfoot exit out of Spitfire's Office
Spitfire pondered.
Okay I will he his special some pony. She stated then she walked out her office
Then she saw Soarin coming her way
She knew what he was gonna say so she layed back acting like she wasn't gonna answer to his question
So... um... have you decided... I know it was Weird of me to ask. Soarin came up to Spitfire
Well... you know Clipper I will be Your Special Somepony. Spitfire answered
Really? Soarin his eyes lit up
Yes, but if we are going out, you better pick a good place, oh and we must go undercover. She said
Okay. So meet me at the Cloudsdale's Club house. Soarin stated

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